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05/26/09 6:13 PM

#172111 RE: JPetroInc #172096

JP.....they are working on their share figure ir out my prior

No news usually is a 50 - 50 good/bad thing

If it goes our way we are all happy

If not this board gets silly with anger

Human nature is a funny is risking good ole hard earn money..........its a win/lose proposition

Our only mistake was not selling out at the 0.70 + level when it got that high and then waited this all out.

I certainly hope all our investments come back to all of us in spades....

Long, strong and staying on a positive course till the end..........whenever that comes for each of us.



05/26/09 6:26 PM

#172113 RE: JPetroInc #172096

Would that be anything like the 'quiet period' ...

... Neomedia was in before they entered into the stock-price-killing SuperCompany debacle replete with Chas Fritz pocketing millions of dollars while he handed over the keys to the company to YAGI?

Geez , one would hope not lol.

Every time Neomedia goes silent for a while , the magical anticipatory 'quiet period' phrase gets thrown out there.

And every time but that one horrible instance it has turned out not to be a quiet period ... just a period of nothing substantive going on at Neomedia.
