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08/15/04 10:32 PM

#212 RE: Pullmyfinger #210

Oh great another class action..... all my money is going to get tied up in the sue the management craze going on.



08/16/04 1:55 AM

#213 RE: Pullmyfinger #210

I hope your right. I lost 5K to Ed.
primarily because he continued to change
the rules after I had bought the stock.
Not only that it was initially shown as
having a high of 5 dollars. Wrong it was
5 dollars under a different name and business.
He did the same by changing the symbol from
gfyf to gfyi. Now the new high is 1250.000 and
the new low is .05. Wrong again and very
deceptive. By doing so he is not revealing
the actual low of .ooo1. I would've never
bought had I known he was giving himself a 25K
month salary and a 70K aquisition bonus for every
Frulatti that he bought. Do the math, 300K a year
salary and 3 Frulatti at 70K commission=210
that means he has paid himself 510K for managing
3 juice bars. That's incredible, thats theivery!!!!!