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05/24/09 6:35 PM

#3851 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #3771

For the record, I have spoken to no Federal, government or regulatory agencies on this subject, period. I (nycnpbbkr) so keenly predicted what was going to happen on banman because it was so evident, as it should have been to you all.

Further, Ihub Bob and I spent a day together at Vegas in 2005, we started the day at a lawyers office discussing the direction Joey, Marc, Matt, Bob and I were going to take OC Securities, Bob and I were the only two people in the room who agreed on the long hard road we wished to take, the other‘s wished to take another route. OC was/is my firm, my vision, my baby, my idea, my money, my licenses, hence I won. Those who disagreed all quit within weeks of that meeting or by October of 2005, told everyone, “Scordo is a dick, we can't work with him” and left (some did it here at 3am on-line without even telling me) together and did something else.

That night in Vegas Bob and I spent the night together alone, we ate steak in my room and gambled all night, I believe I understand Bob’s heart and soul and I believe Bob is a good man and a straight shooter, I trusted Bob then as I trust him today. I don’t believe Bob had any part of any wrong-doings here, from what I know of Bob he’s simply not built that way, it’s not luck some people stay out of trouble while other can’t.

Finally, I don’t plan on posting in this environment of anonymous malice much again. I love posting as I have for decades but I’ve found the future and that’s Facebook or places with real people and real friends. However if I’m booted AGAIN from IHUB for speaking the truth I will simply speak totally uncensored at RB as I have for 10 years.
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05/25/09 1:35 PM

#4253 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #3771

...Chuckie had become an author at National Lampoon.

Well, National Lampoon insiders are under indictment #msg-34198835 and promoters of their stock are under indictment as well at the moment #msg-34240575

Don't see Chuckie named anywhere, but that guy got away with murder, if I remember right.

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06/03/09 1:52 PM

#7993 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #3771

... egregiously lying about you ... isn't a lot of fun.

Though the freedom (within a site's rules) to pretty much say whatever you want is something I think is great about message boards, reading something where someone is so egregiously lying about you and obviously knew it when they posted it isn't a lot of fun.

IH Yoda [Bob]
Bob Zumbrunnen, CEO

Yep, no fun at all.

However, no violins. That's on a personal level, and despite the protections in the TOU, most of us can handle the slings and arrows.

Much more serious are the egregious lies by coordinated groups - pumpers/bashers - that continue, as we speak, on iHub 24/7.

There is real money being invested (or considered) based on an enormous amount of DD in certain stocks. Some might be scams. Others might be legitimate. Again, either way, it's real money and my/our decision.

Egregious lies intended to kill or pump hurt us all.
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Eliot Rosewater

06/17/09 12:38 PM

#9851 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #3771

Bob, when your schedule permits, could you please stop by the board and say something that will refreshen our pique? Nothing fancy is required; a sense of nonchalance should suffice.