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05/25/09 1:04 PM

#78586 RE: F6 #78565

Tracing torture's trail

The Rachel Maddow Show
May 14, 2009

Former NBC News investigative producer Bob Windrem and former Iraq weapons inspector Charles Duelfer talk with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow about the origins of the Bush torture policy and the role of the office of Vice President Dick Cheney in the implementation of waterboarding [related article at ].
[show link ]


Ticking Political-Bomb: The Use of Torture to Stave off Imminent Political Attacks Against Bush/Cheney

VIDEO: Rachel Maddow timelines our torture story so far...

Blogged by Brad Friedman on 5/15/2009 11:05AM

Last night, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow did a bang-up job in detailing/summarizing "our story so far," as we know it, in regard to the use of torture by the Bush/Cheney Regime. Her report goes on to include interviews with Bush's Iraq WMD inspector, Charles Duelfer, and journalist Robert Windrem, who yesterday detailed the push by "the office of Vice President Cheney [ (at )]" to use torture on Saddam Hussein's security goon, who had been talking and cooperating just fine after being captured in the fall of Baghdad. But he had not been saying the things the OVP wanted him to, so waterboarding was recommended.

We've now officially moved from the imaginary bad Hollywood movie realm of the use of illegal torture to stop 'ticking time-bomb' attacks against Americans, to its use in a desperate attempt to stop 'ticking political-bombs' --- such as no Iraqi WMD and no connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda --- against the Bush/Cheney Regime itself.

This video should bring you largely up to date with the latest known-knowns in the torture time line, and the cynical, realpolitik motives thereof...

[video embedded; also (and much better viewed) at (first item above)]

(And remember, Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, the CIA detainee who is reported to have just "committed suicide" in a Libyan prison [ (first item, and see all the items, at )] is known to have been tortured into "confessing" a connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda, the precise thing that the OVP reportedly sought from Hussein's captured goon. Al-Libi's forced "confession" was subsequently used over and over again by Bush/Cheney/Powell in the march to war, and thereafter found to have been completely made up by al-Libi to help put an end to his torture. When al-Libi recently turned up dead, he was in the process of being reportedly sought by prosecutors in regard to torture allegations against the Bush/Cheney Regime. Dots connecting yet?)

Copyright © Brad Friedman (emphasis in original) [with comments]