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05/20/09 9:17 PM

#26138 RE: wrldfnding #26137

I own a company for 21 yrs now. I have financed millions, never lost millions not that dumb. I have negotiated with multiple countries at the same time but a bigger scale since I worked for different gov't agencies. Living out of a suitcase, hahaha! I served my country where sometimes I wish I had a suitcase to live from. Waiting a month after a rm is not smart for a company period! You have a total of 9 post all in ALCD and only as of a couple of days now. All of sudden u appear and everyone should listen to you?

"I have spoken to many people through friends and acquaintances that have met with this man all over the world just a few days apart."

So are you a pumper?
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05/20/09 10:13 PM

#26142 RE: wrldfnding #26137

Sylvain is working his tail off for us and the fact the he does not report to us his every moves tells me he is busy and results have shown that so I agree wrldfnding I have walked the shoes maybe not in the millions but I have made and I have lost. I just simply try to keep calm waters here and with GREAT help from Don this board is doing well I think. We have alot of people that know this has GREAT potential and talking to Sylvain on a daily basis has kept us very informed and he has never dodged a question so I think if stox wants to believe that 99% of pinks are a joke well Im a believer in 1% sometimes. Thanks for your support wrld

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05/20/09 11:10 PM

#26145 RE: wrldfnding #26137

Below is the personal response i received from Sylvain when I CC'd him on this post. Thought it might be of interest. I hope you don't mind Sylvain.

From: Sylvain Desrosiers []
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:05 PM
Subject: RE: {Disarmed} another post.

Well done!! Thank you for defending my efforts and yes the price to pay is high 2 divorce and 4 kids that I see so little hoping they will get what I did not.

Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:00 PM
To: Sylvain Desrosiers
Subject: {Disarmed} another post.

Posted by: wrldfnding
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:53:24 PM
In reply to: Ski3272 who wrote msg# 26135
Post #26137 of 26137 [Go]

Nicely put Ski...Stox I would only like to know if you have ever owned a company, bought a company, done a RM, built anything, structured contracts, financed millions, made & lost & made millions, negotiated with multiple countries simultaneously, lived life out of a suitcase for years missed your kids growing up because you were building their future.....................I didn't think so. I am not trying to be an a$$ and I apologize if I offend but see..... I have done all of that for my families future. I had a fiduciary obligation to my shareholders but that is it. I did not have an obligation to feed them every piece of news that had little to no bearing on the company. I did not hold their hand when they decided the risk/reward was good for them. I made them a lot of money and they sat in front of their computer and did what you an I are doing now, while I worked my a** of to build a company. Now I just research them and provide my humble opinion as to my risk/reward assessment.(yes if I do a good job I make $$$$ if I do not I lose $$$$) That is up to me not chance or anyone else’s opinion, mine. Believe me my research has shown me this CEO is much like I was and has devoted his life to his passion. And much like me he really doesn't care that you need a PR every few days. Also don't speculate what you wouldn't allow your stock to do. That is up to the market. All you can do is build the company. I have spoken to many people through friends and acquaintances that have met with this man all over the world just a few days apart. I know he is actively caring out the only obligation he has to you (shareholders), to make the company as profitable as possible. Please review my other posts to see research I have done for you with verification links. Instead of whining and wanting the news handed to you, go get it. You obviously have a computer and most of the info is public knowledge. If that is all you get maybe you need to learn how to truly research a subject or company. I am sorry to rant but I have done the research and asked the questions that should be asked. I have provided a lot of that info right here on this site. If you will not read it then frankly you get out what you put in. I have been in the shoes of this CEO with my own company and worked hard to make it a success. Now I get to walk my youngest to school (she didn’t call me Daddy until she was 4, because I was gone most of the time)and I get to fight with my 16 yr old about her new car she just wrecked (I have custody but really only visitation from 12 to 15 same reason). I also get to defend hard working CEOs of the microcap stocks I research IF defense is in order. I call them like I see them, if you haven’t noticed. One parting thought is the fact you get to benefit from this CEOs hard work, my hard work and all the people you don’t even know making this company have the potential I have found. I hope you will put in a little effort as well so you can contribute in case I may have missed something. That way you can feel good when what I am telling you starts to happen and you are not whining; you are taking the credit for being the "penny stock picker of the year". In reality you fell into what you now consider a pile of shit and will come out smelling like NEW MONEY. Congrats not all of us were that lucky.

Almost forgot please review my statement in previous posts regarding my affiliation to the company……….There is none, other than I have a minuscule amount shares and am a buyer at my right price. I hope you are as well.

Again my apology if I offended you or any one else on this board. That is not my intention.