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08/13/04 10:39 AM

#10468 RE: Sexton O Blake #10466

Sexton, I dont' understand your problem of historic "detailed" quotes.
Those daily detailed quotes are nothing less than dated values (as shares outstanding or dividends), calculated fields (as market cap) or database arrays (52 week high-lo). Why keep record of them?
As you say, rebuild from references.

Volume: to retrofit or not is as touchy as religion and belief! <g>
IMO, volumes must be adjusted such as the price*volume product remains the same. This eventually should be extended beyond splits to all distributions, cash, dividends, rights, warrants.
Some data providers do this, and you have to either reload history regularly or use online data.
Some vendors stick with volumes data as they were. I know does.

Now, for charting AND scanning AND divvies AND volumes AND ...

have a look at MAS, works both on Windows (Java) and *nixes.
graphic output is ... err ... average
(other kid on the bloc, promisimg but I prefer MAS' hook into PostgreSQL: I keep my historical data both in "raw" form "as received" then mull them into MetaStock and now starting with Postgres. All I have left to do is to master SQL and Perl <vbg>)

$125 an hour he?
My bill was $250/half-day, $400 per day, (ten years ago). Geez! Bad marketing! <vbg>


08/13/04 10:55 AM

#10471 RE: Sexton O Blake #10466

The other bugaboo is that Yahoo adjusts ALL dates for Splits. That for me would trigger a reget of ALL data going back X years
Yeah and they adjust Trust prices for distributions... Trust goes ex-div and is printing green when it's red.... minor but aggravating..