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05/20/09 1:14 AM

#2872 RE: Chance To See #2866

Hey Chance...

Agree with everything you said. I'm happy to see that you're still invested, and benefitting from this run-up in price; especially after all the transcribing you've done.

I have new-found respect for Donovan after listening to the call. For me, the highlight of the event was when Donovan threw Cole under the bus and made him answer for not closing that soccer deal last year. After which, Cole fell on his sword and vowed fealty to Donovan.

Q: OK. And one other thing. Is there any detail that you could give us on the sports cards? I know that I think as far away as a year ago it sounded like the contract with the soccer – soccer organization in Europe was almost closed at that point. Could you give us any insight on what’s going on with the sports?

Cole: Yeah, I can answer that one, Kevin.

Donovan: Maybe you can answer the soccer, the European football.

Cole: And then I’ll pass it back.

Donovan: I’ll talk about the U.S.

Cole: Perfect. Yeah, we were discussing last summer with the U.K. soccer league, but unfortunately nothing actually came of that. With such a lean organization we can only pursue so many prospects. That’s why it’s great that we’ve now got more infrastructure and Kevin and Anna. And I think Kevin’s really made some leeway in the sports since he’s been there. Kevin?

Donovan: Yeah, thanks Lee. You can sit back in your chair and we'll call you when we need you - dumbass (barely audible) *

Cole: Okay, thanks.

* (transcript upgrade provided by AB)

Chance_To_See writes:
"My impression from past cc’s was that the soccer contract was in the bag, so I feel a bit misled about that."

I know, me too. That would have been a big deal. All that waiting, for nothing. Oh well, we can't say that Cole didn't earn his salary - which was exactly $0. That guy is about as valuable as a condom with a hole in it.

Donovan better not blow it. He has until June 30 to produce some new distribution contracts. I'm glad he put himself out there on the call like that, so we can see what he's made of. This could be a bumpy ride. So far, being new, he has accomplished nothing and closed on nothing. But the market is obviously expecting everything.