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05/19/09 8:22 AM

#140657 RE: Mr Biggerstaff #140655

Personal information of any sorts is not appropriate for a message board. A persons business interest, place of business are fine. A persons private house and life is not acceptable.


05/19/09 9:07 AM

#140674 RE: Mr Biggerstaff #140655

I agree with you it is hard to find out information. The structure of the company number1. We do not know how many preferred shares and who has them and what is the conversion rate with voting rights. Jared stated on last video cc that he would never convert his preferred shares. Just like he stated that the company was not selling shares. So explain to me where the 300M shares are? It looks like they have been sold into the market by looking at the chart. I would like to have this confirm if it happened. I would call that a sale. We can split hairs over words about the buyer. But as lawyers say it is the intent that counts. As I see it the intent with his words was that the buyer was a well known domicile domestic large co. or something like that. He also stated that the name would do wonders for the stock. It was my understanding this was the first buyer. Now it seems to have been pushed it into the second offer this discription. So we cannot verify any of this and this seems like hype now and there is no trust in what he says. On Craig try to find a phone number with that business address I cannot find one. My guess is he uses it for a front to make his business to look like it has a good business location but he works out of his house. No problem with that but he might have to work out of his home because after looking at his eyes in every picture it looks like he has some health condition.