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08/12/04 1:39 PM

#16644 RE: frogdreaming #16636


With the difficulties you describe of bridging the language gap between "reality" and dreams, I'm surprised the language of "derision" is so readily understood.

I realize what a disadvantage you are at. I know all the things about DNAP you feel compelled to point out with your language of "real" logic. But you don't know how to dream.

And if you did, you'd just tear them all down with your logic of reality which for you forms an obstacle your dreams would never be able to hurdle.

You see, I live in both worlds, comfortably. I don't need to have pointed out DNAP's shortcomings. I already know them, without your input. That seems to be the rub, doesn't it?

You not only can't dream, you don't want anyone else to dream either. Further, you want to place labels on people's dreams: Farfetched, unreal, stupid, illogical--I like that one--all of which portray your inability to dream, or at least, carry out a dream you might have, because you'd give it up the first time one of your engineer/scientist/mathematician colleagues said, you can't do that!

Most of what I've accomplished, frog, started out as a dream, with almost everyone saying, you'll never get it done.

Dreamers have a special line of insight, a special tunnel they are able to see light at the end of nobody else can.

When you attempt to dissuade a dreamer his dream because you think it defies reality, you deride the dreamer, not just the dream. Don't be surprised or disappointed when the dreamer derides back.