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05/13/09 11:27 PM

#25618 RE: FinancialAdvisor #25616

People, in case you haven't noticed, America has been hijacked.

To: SliderOnTheBlack who wrote (17397) 5/13/2009 9:01:05 PM
From: SliderOnTheBlack 11 Recommendations Read Replies (2) of 17402

Fed: Trillions in missing off-balance sheet transactions...

The Fed's Inspector General telling America:

Yes, you just got looted...

They aren't saying where the money went...

They aren't disclosing what's on their balance sheet...

They aren't allowing any audits, or investigations...

And our bought & paid for Congress that is owned lock, stock
and barrel by the bankster-gangster lobby, didn't even bother
to show up at their own TARP oversight hearing.

Glenn Beck did an expose` last week where only 3 of 10 TARP
oversight committee members showed up for their own hearing.

And you thought Congress answered to you?

Silly you.

Congress has been stuffing their pockets with bank lobby
cash for nearly two decades now, and what do they care...

Congress gets near full salary pensions with full benefits
for life, after just one term!

We let these greedy, crooked bastards vote themselves
their own compensation packages - what did we expect?!?

How naive can we still be?

Pretty naive evidently... as we're still buying their BS
as they stand before us and tell us - it's all our fault,
because we bought more house than we knew we could afford,
and too many plasma TV's and X-Boxes from China.

It's our fault huh?

Funny how "sharing the pain" (even though we received none
of the gain), has now resulted in us not just absorbing all
the pain, but footing the entire bill for it as well.

Were we the ones who deregulated, and then leveraged up 40:1
on derivatives?

Were we the ones who put AAA ratings on worthless, toxic
mortgage debt...and then bankrupted Fannie & Freddie, and
State & Private pension plans with it?

Were we the ones who sucked out hundreds of billions in ill-
gotten gains, on non-existent profits, just before the Ponzi-
Pyramid collapsed?

Two hundred years ago, if a politician would have dared stand
in the halls of Congress and tried to tell our forefathers that...
they would have been hung on the steps of the Capitol.

Let's go back to where this all started and determine just
who's fault this is, who's responsible, who profited, and
who should pay...

The "Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000" (H.R. 5660)
was introduced in the House on December 14, 2000 by Rep.
Thomas W. Ewing (R-IL) and cosponsored by Rep. Thomas J.
Bliley, Jr. (R-VA),Rep. Larry Combest (R-TX),Rep. John J.
LaFalce (D-NY), and Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA).

Most importantly, this bill was never debated in the House.

HINT: When you see "no debate" on a banker bill, you know that
Congress is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the banksters.

The companion bill (S. 3283) was introduced in the Senate on
December 15, 2000 (The last day before Christmas holiday)
by Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) and cosponsored by Sen. Peter
Fitzgerald (R-IL), Sen. Phil Gramm (R-TX), Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
Sen. Thomas Harkin (D-IA), and Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD).

And once again, this bill was never debated in the Senate.

And it gets even better...

The Republican leadership of the House incorporated "The
Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (H.R.5660)" by
reference, as Section 1(a)(7), in a long and complex conference
report to the 11,000 page long"2000 omnibus budget bill"
formally known as "The Consolidated Appropriations Act
for FY2001(Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education
Appropriations Bill) (H.R.4577)."

157 Democrats and 133 Republicans voted for the appropriations bill.

Only 9 Democrats and 51 Republicans opposed the bill.

51 Republicans and 9 Democrats opposed the appropriations bill.

Then the Senate passed it by "unanimous consent" without public,
debate, or discussion.

President Clinton signed it into Pub.L. 106-554 on December 21,
2000. And then for good measure, they snuck it into an 11,000 page
omnibus bill [just like Obama's stimulus bill] and they used an
old trick, in ramming it through Congress right before the
Christmas break - just like they did in 1913, in passing the
Federal Reserve Act.

Oh, and just for good measure, they put in a "loophole" which
was hand written by lobbyists from Enron working with Senator
Phil Gramm, creating a deregulated energy market, in which they
made billions, and almost bankrupted the state of California
by manipulating and gaming natural gas prices to utilities.

Next, they got Hank Paulson to lead the Wall Street Investment
Banks in lobbying (read strong-arming) the SEC to allow them to
leverage up their holdings at 40:1 and to self-regulate.

Then after levering up 40:1, they had Alan Greenspan flip on
the nitrous switch, lowering interest rates and ramping up
the money supply.

And Alan Greenspan mysteriously kept his foot mashed to the
gas pedal, keeping rates artificially low for a full 3 years
after the initial signs of economic recovery.

If you think Greenspan made an honest error in judgement, in
keeping rates that low, for that long... I've got a bridge
in Brooklyn to sell you.

During times of monetary inflation - he who gets the money
first, profits most.

The banksters not only got the new money first, they were
already deregulated, and ready to lever it up 40:1.

Tell me they didn't know this was going to be the blow off top,
after Greenspan's already "irrational exhuberance" pronouncement,
years earlier, in 1996?

And after the Commodity Futures Modernization Act was passed,
which brought back derivatives, it didn't take them long to
flood the marketplace with trillions of dollars in mortgage

Derivatives so complex, that no one other than the black-box,
rocket scientists who created them, understood them.

And what did the banksters do with all those mortgage loans,
and mortgage derivatives instruments they created?

Were they so proud of their new creation that they levered
them up at 40:1 on their own balance sheets?

Ohhh no.

They knew...

They turned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the the
largest toxic waste dump ever known to man, so that when
the financial weapons of mass economic destruction finally
detonated... they weren't on their own balance sheet, but
on Fannie & Freddie's... GSE's, backed by the US taxpayer.

They also sold these derivative contracts to insurance companies,
hedge funds, banks, S&L's, state pension funds, and even
foreign banks and sovereign wealth funds.

And when the buyers finally got stuffed to the gills, and their
appetites started to wane, as the market began to get worried
about getting stuck with all the toxic mortgage paper...

They started selling insurance policies called credit default
obligations and credit default swaps (CDO's and CDS's) using
the AAA ratings of companies like AIG.

You have to admire the banksters...

They took your basic pyramid scheme and married it to the
ageless ponzi scheme, as they sold insurance on the toxic
paper they created and sold in the first place, and then
sold insurance on the insurance.

For the banksters, that was like pouring gasoline on an
ill-gotten gains, profit fire!

And with the proceeds, they bought $40 million dollar apartments
on Central Park, $25 million dollar beach houses in the Hamptons,
and then filled them with Maybach's and Ferrari's.

They smoked fine cigars, snorted punch bowls full of coke,
and drank jeroboams of champagne. All thanks to digital,
paper profits that existed no where except on balance sheets
so complex, that no one understood them, but the banksters

And if that greed wasn't enough.. they then hid their losses
"off the books" in in equally complex offshore "Special
Investment Vehicles."

And because they knew all ponzi schemes one day must come to
an end... they sucked $20 million dollar a year salaries,
and $50 million dollar a year bonuses out of the system for
nearly a decade before the whole house of cards finally
collapsed on - you and I, the taxpaying schmucks.

And here's where it get's really good...

How ironic was it that Hank Paulson, who played such a key role
in creating the hyper-leveraged, un-regulated vehicles for mass
looting and economic destruction... became the Treasury Secretary
in charge of repairing the destruction he helped create?

Hank Paulson who accumulated a $700 million dollar personal
fortune from "the problem."

Big Hank did such a good job strong arming the SEC, that they
brought him back as Treasury Secretary to strong arm Congress!

And strong arm he did...

Ole' Hank called Congress to a secret meeting, behind closed
doors, and threatened them with Martial Law and troops on
the street, if they didn't give him... oh, say... $800 Billion
Dollars (a 'really big' number, he later admitted that he just
plucked out of the air).

And for good measure, they trotted out the lamest of lame duck
frontman lackeys, and had George W. Bush tell the American
people that "this sucka could go down"...

Then instead of buying toxic assets like they told us they would,
they gave the money directly to their fellow banksters, and
instructed them to shut off credit, and call in hedge fund
credit lines, while they naked shorted the living hell
out of the market.

And we got left holding both the bag, and the bill.

And now as real unemployment reaches 16%, and as working
middle class Americans begin to lose not only their jobs,
but also their homes...

They label anyone who dares ask for an audit of the Fed,
or calls for the end of debt based money owed to a privately
owned central bank -- a potential terrorist, and an enemy
of the state.

And then they called those who showed up to demonstrate against
out of control government spending, and a coming tsunami of
new, and rising taxes... rednecked racists, who were angry
because a black man is in the White House.

People, in case you haven't noticed, America has been hijacked.

It's now on public record that the NSA is surveiling Congress
24 x 7.

You just witnessed what happened to Rep. Jane Harman D-Calif.

Anyone who hasn't been bought off with sacks of cash by the
lobbyists, is blackmailed by our Intel services.

And those few... who haven't been bought off, and who can't
be blackmailed... are now in numbers so low, that we can't
even get a majority of the committee members to show up to
their own TARP oversight hearing.

Both Eisenhower and JFK warned us about the takeover of
government by the military industrial complex, and the
private Foundations, Think Tanks, and Roundtable groups.

That takeover is now 100% complete.

For that reason, the 2010/2012 elections are no longer
a solution.

It no longer matters who you elect.

They now own and control both parties, and both houses
of Congress.

And with the powers already granted to the President by the
War Powers Acts of 1933, and 1973, not to mention the literal
dictatorial powers granted under the Patriot Act and by Bush's
Executive orders...

The U.S. Congress is today, very, very, close to being nothing
more than an impotent, ceremonial body.

A blackmailed, and bought and paid for rubber stamp.

If you do not think that blackmail is an oft' used weapon
by our government, I urge you to buy the documentary film
done by The History Channel on J. Edgar Hoover's near 40
year, iron fisted rule over Congress via blackmail.

I think it was called "Tales of the FBI."

Here's another documentary on Hoover, and America's long
history of sexual and political blackmail:

Hoover couldn't even imagine today's technology and budgets,
let alone, the decadence that exists in Congress.

Barney Frank who's live in boyfriend (a Fannie Mae employee)
got arrested for hosting an "under-aged" gay prostitution
ring in Frank's D.C. Townhouse...

Yet today, instead of being run out of public service, Frank
now stands as the Chairman of the House Financial Services
Committee, because he threatened to "out" numerous other
members of Congress and the Senate for their sexual predilections.

And you doubt how often "blackmail" is used in THIS Congress?

But they don't even need Congress.

In the event of any further major crisis, whether real, or
promulgated (using Henry Kissinger's quote), thanks to the
Patriot Act... all power of Congress can be eliminated with
the single swipe of a pen.

Forty years ago, millions of American's took to the streets,
and brought down LBJ's government and ended the Viet Nam War
through lawful, public dissent and demonstration.

Today, it's not just about an unjust war, it's about the
future existence of American sovereignty, and the defense
of our most basic freedoms as we know them.

Time is not our friend.

I will repeat...

It is not unreasonable to believe, that this July 4th, 2009,
will literally be America's last "Independence Day."

Please, let those words sink in.

I did not choose them lightly, because they are masterfully
using incrementalism in boiling the frog, as bill after bill,
and treaty after treaty are being rubber- stamped, and rushed
through Congress...

Right under the nose of an American public that is so self-
absorbed, apathetic, and/or politically divided and distracted
by partisan issues that pale in comparison to what is at stake
... that we are just standing idly bye, as America is being
systematically looted, as capitalism is destroyed, and as
America is being bum-rushed, and rolled into socialist,
global governance.

They gave you this bear market rally to buy time, and to give
those who are beginning to awaken - false hope.

Don't buy it.

To them, any means, justifies the end.

Lies mean nothing.

They are merely the means to an end.

For the last forty years they've been open about their
intended "end game." They've written policy and white papers
about it. They've written books, and given speeches about it.

And now, they have both the technology, and the crisis
they've been waiting for, to finally institute their
long awaited end game for America.

And in case you haven't noticed...

They are large and in charge. They fill Obama's cabinet, and
they control the military and our intelligence services.

I posted this quote from Obama's National Security Advisor
Gen. James Jones, back in March. It should have stopped you
in your tracks...

James L. Jones

U.S. National Security Adviser Jones gave these remarks at the
45th Munich Conference on Security Policy at the Hotel
Bayerischer Hof on February 8, 2009. From the Council on
Foregin Relations web site...

"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger
yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National
Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders
from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft
and Sandy Berger, who is also here."

Our National Security Advisor takes his daily orders from Henry Kissinger...

And Henry Kissinger takes them from Bankster-Gangsters
David Rockefeller and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.

And you wonder why we're pouring $180 Billion Dollars into a
black derivatives hole (AIG)... and allowing Goldman, Euro Mafia
Banks, and private hedge funds to collect it out the back
door for Sir Evelyn? And instituting Rockefeller's long desired
UN Socialist, Police State in America?

You wonder why Rockefeller's JP Morgan Chase is allowed
to hold over 9 x the derivatives held by AIG, and nary
a word is mentioned in the press?

You wonder why competitors Lehman and Bear Stearns were
rolled into banktuptcy - while toxic waste dumps AIG,
Fannie and Freddie were bailed out?

You wonder why the $700 million dollar man - Bankster Gangster
Capo Hank Paulson was named Treasury Secretary, after being
one of the main chief architects of the hyper-leveraged,
deregulated, derivatives bubble that created the problem
in the first place?

For anyone who is still confused as to what the end game is,
and to what their motivations are... you won't be shortly.


PS: Have you seen the multi-part series that Glenn Beck
is doing on ACORN?

This black hole of fraud and corruption, may literally get
it's hands on up to $8 billion of your tax payer dollars.

I'll repeat: I am not a Glenn Beck fan... but, he's ripping
open the ACORN scandal by the seams. He has current, and
former board members who are telling the public that ACORN
is a corrupt, walking, talking RICOH Act violation.

Is everyone on SOMA?

How, and why... do we not have 5-10 million, very angry citizens
marching on Washington D.C. and literally taking back our

No more Fed.

No more debt based money.

No more America in the UN.

No more UN in America.

Dismantle the military industrial complex, it's lobbyists,
it's budget, and it's private army known as the CIA.

Create a new intelligence service that answers to Congress
and the American people once again, instead of serving as
Dick Cheney's private hit squad, and the worlds largest
drug cartel.

Roll back a military that has bases in 130 countries...
and a budget that is bankrupting America by spending more
than the next five largest countries combined.

And make job #1, defending and protecting our borders.

Completely overhaul campaign finance laws.

Start investigating, rounding up, prosecuting, and sending
lobbyists to jail.

Give birth to a new 3rd party, and completely cleanse both
Congress and the Senate.

That's what it's going to take to save America.

We're either worthy of calling ourselves American's, and
are willing to rise up and take our country back, or we
are about to shame our forefathers and curse our children.

Throughout our history, American's have always answered the
call to defend our liberty, our freedom and the U.S. Constitution.

Our last President called the U.S. Constitution...
"just a godamned piece of paper."

And now, this President is wiping his feet on what's left of it.

Our government no longer serves, or fears the people...
the people now serve, and fear their government.

The bell has rung...

Will we set down our lattes, unplug our ipods and answer?

Or will we become the generation that rolled over without
a fight, and gave everything back, that those who came
before us fought and died for?


05/16/09 7:14 AM

#25626 RE: FinancialAdvisor #25616

Those 6 out of the 30 Dow components will get rescued by our government so dont worry about that. The dow will be saved. And technology is booming again because 50 million people need i-pods so the Nasdaq will be fine..