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05/13/09 6:11 PM

#152389 RE: Arrow335 #152388

I am far...far from ever being shocked, I read enough things that immune me to "awe".
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07/19/10 7:51 PM

#302761 RE: Arrow335 #152388

It's all about Money, Power and Control and who wields it.

If we simply examine the recorded facts of who were the major war-mongers who created and supported all the wars of the twentieth century – the Century of Wars – and who participated in the peace-conferences after each one and what was systematically achieved, a perspective which can finally begin to see the outlines of the trumpeting but apparently invisible elephant in the bedroom quickly emerges. In every single instance, there is only one common prime-mover without which, these synthetic clashes could not have materialized. The owners of the private central banks. As the pithy saying goes: “give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws”. That's because all else follows by simply controlling the instruments of money. Which is why, such a fundamental power is called the prime-mover.

Therefore, focussing on Jewish political action groups like AIPAC, ADL, JDL, Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, et. al., who put Israel first to influence the superpower's policies, or the hundred Jewish-dominated opaquely funded private think-tanks like the AEI, CFR, et. al., who ab initio construct the polices of war and hegemony favoring Israel, without betraying any comprehension of the actual prime-movers behind them, is not only an exercise in futility, but these visible magnets are deliberately there, and manifest themselves with their inexplicable arrogance, precisely in order to draw fire away from the prime-movers!

While many betray that they are aware of the motto “wage war by way of deception”, I am sorely disappointed that very few in the West, never mind among the victimized beleaguered Palestinians, actually betray what it means when it comes to understanding front-men and front-organizations representing a powerful oligarchy. Only as the representatives of some mighty force not in the public eye, do the foot-soldiers in the public eye acquire the immense power that we see them wielding. When the White House and the Congress pays obeisance to AIPAC for instance, they are paying homage to the king behind them. If unfamiliar with this state of affairs, see Colonel Edward Mandell House's depiction in Philip Dru: Administrator. Rather than betray the acuity of having forensically recognized this modern mechanism of statecraft, of wielding power from behind the scenes, recording ex post facto narratives is the epitome of Western scholarship. Not all of it manufactured of course – but much of it suffering from psychological cataracts which enable seeding the faits accomplis of these front-men as “history's actors”:

'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.' (Senior Bush Advisor, The New York Times, October 17, 2004)

This is why neither protest marches, nor BDS, nor tea-parties, nor sailing to Gaza, nor the ISM's taking bullets to their head in the holy land of oppression, nor bearing witness, nor attempts at reforms, nor end the fed campaign, etceteras, can ever work. Because, these address the symptoms, the mere incantations and projections of power, and not the prime-mover forces behind them. To the extent that these symptomatic motivators are able to rally conscionable well-intentioned thinking peoples behind them, is the extent of the success of fabricated dissent, of putting people on the treadmills of inefficacy. As an engineer, a systems architect bringing a systems analysis perspective to deconstructing political science and social engineering, this is my commonsensical, technical, and empirical assessment. One has to go straight for the jugular of the tiny misanthropic coterie wielding the immense prime-mover force to be effective in overcoming all the abhorrences being seeded by their numerous psychopathic errand boys across the planet, including in Zionistan. See for instance, Who is more guilty of monumental war crimes – the prime-movers or trigger pullers?, here. [15]

It is important to reemphasize: it is not their thoughts or their motivations which are a crime. People are free to have any thoughts, and entitled to believe any crap they want. It is only their acts, or when their motivations lead to, or sustain, or otherwise in any way interfere in redressing the crimes perpetuated against an innocent peoples, which are a crime. The Nuremberg Military Tribunals aptly emphasized that core principle before hanging the old Nazis, military men, civilians, propagandists and philosophers alike (while setting free the principal financial architect of the Third Reich, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, explored here[16]).

“The intellectual bankruptcy and moral perversion of the Nazi regime might have been no concern of international law had it not been utilized to goosestep the Herrenvolk across international frontiers. It is not their thoughts, it is their overt acts which we charge to be crimes.” (Robert H. Jackson, Last Day Closing Speech, Nuremberg).

But as Bernard Lewis also convincingly argues in “Crisis of Islam – Holy War and Unholy Terror”:

“Terrorism requires only a few. Obviously the West must defend itself by whatever means will be effective. But in devising means to fight the terrorist, it would surely be useful to understand the forces that drive them.” (page xxxii)

Thus while one must understand the motivation which drive these robots of Zionism, to counter them effectively, one must counter their prime-movers! That is the only way. And so long as the prime-movers remain hidden, how can they ever be countered? The role of the House of Rothschild in fabricating Zionism, and also being the prime-mover force behind one-world government, is introduced here, here [26]

Palestine: The Struggle Forward

From Genocide to ReGenesis in ZERO Compromise
Preamble to Palestine: The Struggle Forward