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05/12/09 8:43 PM

#21903 RE: puppydotcom #21899

Here is the ONLY thing the Company has every apologized for. But it is an oximoron paradox.
{{08/15/2008 @ 12:13PM
The Company's Management will be retaining expert Counsel to advise us on a proper stockholder communications strategy as your Company's Management is engaged in the business of Mining and not in the business of stockholder communications}}

Not in the business of Communications? Are You kidding? The Company has put out almost a hundred Press Releases in the past year. So The COMPANY MANAGEMENT IS ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF MINING?? No Your NOT!@! If Maanagement were Miners with 120 years Combined Experience in Mining then WHY Would the MAANAGMENT of the Company state on 05/02/2008 @ 11:50AM {It is intended that the Company have "Mockingbird" restored as an OPERATING and PRODUCING gold mine in 2008" So here is YOUR Choice SO CALLED Mgt of HGLC, ARe You Miners OR LIARS. LET ME help you, {IF} You were miners YOU WOULD never make a Statement to make the MB a Producing Mine in 2008 FIVE MONTHS INTO THE YEAR, ie. infrastructure, PERMITS would take AT LEAST THREE YEARS. So then YOU ARE LIARS plan and simple,. PUMPING your stock and making Complete and utter FALSE statements. BUSTED...