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08/09/04 11:31 AM

#41758 RE: morrowinder #41739

They screwed up the TSCP benchmark:

Yes the Anand test is real evil and childish
By Vincent Diepeveen on Monday, August 9, 2004 11:04 AM EDT
a) they just test tiny programs
b) for example the prime bench the author says on the homepage:
"primegen is a small, fast library to generate prime numbers in order. It generates the 50847534 primes up to 1000000000 in just 8 seconds on a Pentium II-350; it prints them in decimal in just 35 seconds. "

c) I tried to reproduce something and couldn't. Note that TSCP has *no* makefile for linux at all. One of them didn't compile at all under linux as it is microsoft only. They say they tested under linux but they only test 32 bits intel c++ executables, why?

They get with tscp 155k nps.

While someone else is gaming at the dual opteron, i take part of 1 cpu and get :
311k nps

Here is my output i get with tscp and that's without PGO even:

diep@data tscp181 $ gcc -O3 -mcpu=k8 -o tscp board.c book.c data.c eval.c main.c search.c
diep@data tscp181 $ ls -l tscp
-rwxr-xr-x 1 diep users 36536 Aug 9 10:51 tscp
diep@data tscp181 $ ./tscp

Tom Kerrigan's Simple Chess Program (TSCP)
version 1.81, 2/5/03
Copyright 1997 Tom Kerrigan

"help" displays a list of commands.

tscp> bench

8 . r b . . r k .
7 p . . . . p p p
6 . p . q p . n .
5 . . . n . . N .
4 . . p P . . . .
3 . . P . . . P .
2 P P Q . . P B P
1 R . B . R . K .

a b c d e f g h

ply nodes score pv
1 130 20 c1e3
2 3441 5 g5e4 d6c7
3 8911 30 g5e4 d6c7 c1e3
4 141367 10 g5e4 d6c7 c1e3 c8d7
5 550778 26 c2a4 d6c7 g2d5 e6d5 c1e3
Time: 1782 ms
ply nodes score pv
1 130 20 c1e3
2 3441 5 g5e4 d6c7
3 8911 30 g5e4 d6c7 c1e3
4 141367 10 g5e4 d6c7 c1e3 c8d7
5 550778 26 c2a4 d6c7 g2d5 e6d5 c1e3
Time: 1777 ms
ply nodes score pv
1 130 20 c1e3
2 3441 5 g5e4 d6c7
3 8911 30 g5e4 d6c7 c1e3
4 141367 10 g5e4 d6c7 c1e3 c8d7
5 550778 26 c2a4 d6c7 g2d5 e6d5 c1e3
Time: 1769 ms

Nodes: 550778
Best time: 1769 ms
Nodes per second: 311349 (Score: 1.280)

Illegal move.
tscp> exit
Illegal move.
diep@data tscp181 $

> Did you see this test of an Athlon64 3500+ vs. Xeon 3.6GHz
> w/EM64T? What a joke! I have NEVER seen an Intel P4 or
> Xeon beat an Athlon64 with no packed SSE/SSE2 instructions
> (there is no way gcc 3.3 is using these) and debugging information
> in the binaries for floating-point intensive benchmarks.
> The author makes the statement that:
> "Without a doubt, the 3.6GHz Xeon trounces over the Athlon
> 64 in math-intensive benchmarks."
> Maybe in some integer math, but definitely not floating-point
> (look at your POV-RAY results idiot!)