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05/05/09 1:53 PM

#13228 RE: gail #13217

i just got a p/m and it said this.................

Red is the volume traded at bid
Green is volume traded at ask
Blue shows volume traded between bid and ask or outside the range af B/A

this is wrong......

i know and have proven this..

Per ihub charts only mind you.. is how it works..

red -- is vol under the ask.. but not necessarily at the bid.. as you see, when one stock we watched, announced r/s.. the ask was .0001 BUT the bars at .0001 were red and the trades page showed as sells, not buys. so, red can and has been as the ask.

green is dilution (proven a few times even while talkign to a ceo on the phone at cxac) so, i was right and no one believed me.

blue is simply a buy at the ask..

if the ask is .0002, and you see 10mil at .0002/blue,, i can assure you the trades page will match that info, showing a buy at .0002 while the ask was .0002.

they b/a bounce around so fast, thats why you must look at the trades page to see what the ask was then.

if the ask is at .0002, and i get in at .0001, it WILL show red or a sell at .0001 while the ask was .0002.

now, the tricky thing is,, if the ask is .0001, and its blue, fine, but if its red,, you need to see if the trades page showed at that second, that the ask was .0001 WHILE the .0001 order hit.

that is death most of the time, and needs to be looked at.

we have all seen it.. i have posted over and over,, as i leanred about this just before and during my trip to ga.

it hit me like a rock.

so, im just saying what i see, vs what others assume it means.


05/05/09 4:40 PM

#13254 RE: gail #13217

i do smell r/s in my example of hcfi as it is so classic a chart for r/s.

sure they can be real coffee and have super web sites, but i still think they wouldnt hesitate to r/s.

remember, this NEVER made the ibox, was an experiment before i realized green was bad.