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04/30/09 8:54 AM

#1586 RE: dalinxz #1576

Dalinx I hear you and you may be right. I am one of the "real investors" and in the last 2 years I have been bewildered to see what I have, and now since the WTO raised the Swine Flu Threat level yesterday to 5 from 4 (6 being major pandemic), you would think RBRM and Dr. Phillips would be on CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, everywhere trying to get their position known well globally as a solid growing medical development corp that has these Swine Flu packages, outside of the internet sales scenario they seem to be using...??

Hell, some top pharma corps are scurrying out there to try to find some sort of Swine Flu cure or such and here sits RBRM, with these patented Silver Swine Flu medical packages and they are not taking advantage of this on mainstream business networks globally in this date and time. I now see this turning into major pandemic and since Obama refuses to close Mexican border, it will get worse which would be great for RBRM's pposition, but yet here they sit not coming to the lead on this issue which is an actual global medical disaster waiting to happen and hundreds of millions could become affected...

Yes. I admit I am confused.

If you are correct, and going back to a past post I made against Dr. Phillips some months ago where he accused me of being a terrorist or such and wanted to report my factual direct posting as "violent", if you are right and they are doing this as a self serving scam, then yes, the contents of my previous post stands and and they all ought to be investigated for massive fraud on the public investor and the SEC for misleading and false reporting to perpetrate a financial fraud on the public...

To think of the ongoing SEC requirements & filings required of all public issued corps and their public shares traded, it makes no sense to just do this as a game to pump a stock so insiders can sell out... That horse has been killed long ago and people today have become more informed and more intelligent and should be questioning ALL executives and public corps in their operations & actions...