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04/24/09 11:34 PM

#159506 RE: tryoty #159505

So you are the one who sold the 454 shares. Good luck on those greener pastures. Farrell
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04/25/09 12:34 AM

#159508 RE: tryoty #159505

Very good post. I'm glad you are saying it now and not later after the fact, when the shareprice tanks or not.

I actually tend to agree with your post. You got to have an exit strategy, and anyway you slice it or dice it, people were selling today.

I contemplated the same thing today, actually. I thought if it would be good to sell some shares taking out some of that seed money and letting the rest ride. I decided against it.

What's your hunch on Oily? On his way out he may have been telling the truth on the one hand, but he may have just as easily had some sour grapes. Whenever I lay off an employee in my organization, in their head it is always because the management was no good, because that person just doesn't have the greater perspective. I don't think Oily has that perspective...for god sakes, he posts on a message board! And maybe he got some renumeration for it in one form or he's done and disgruntled. He can't possibly be a XOM's just too ridiculous.

Besides if Oily was about to be truthful, I think he would have been more explicit about the truth...nothing would hold him back.

With regard to Mark G., I think he is a good man, and I respect him. One thing that he said essentially was that a deal was on its way. In my work, a deal isn't a deal until it is a deal and the dotted line has been signed. Since we don't have that, there's naturally going to be some sell on no news. And, I would say that people pumped themselves into believing there was definitely a deal, and that pumpitude is currently reflected in the there's some deflation of air that is inevitable.

That said, however, I ended up not selling any of it. Strange huh? I, of all people should be doing so, and didn't. I guess my gut is saying that the trend is not quite over yet, and while it is always better to pull the trigger early than too late, I feel that we simply are not close enough to drilling to say that the momentum has slowed.

From a macro view, there are a lot of "blue and stable" stocks doing amazingly well as the worst of the market bear seems to be approaching the end, which means it is only a matter of short time that those gains will make their way into the small cap world...once the gains to be had in the blue chips are done, small cap is next in line. Therefore, the gains Erhc has had is minor compared to what it will have and must have, and since it has had serious gains, it is a contender for more, imo. Does that make sense?

As for greener pastures, I do still like online gambling when the UIGEA gets overturned, but we are still a long way from that due to Pelosi now saying she doesn't support online gambling. So staying put with Erhc is not a bad choice, in my view. We may have a retracement...but not very much and not for long, imo.

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04/25/09 12:57 AM

#159513 RE: tryoty #159505

No Offense Try.....but wow....those are some WEAK reasons for selling.

"""Mark G's source not coming through... again (not a shot at Mark)"""

Several week's ago, Mark's source was on the money. What do you want Mark's source to do this time...give you the exact date and time for when the news is going to come out ? Mark said that he was 110% about the news coming out by April after can say his source didnt come through....not before.

"""""oilypants giving up and still saying we won't like it as he heads out the door. There's no reason not to be honest on your way out."""""" got to be kidding Try. Some stranger posting on a don't know what his agenda don't even know if he is gone for you let what he posts play a factor in how you handle your financial investments???? That's just dumbfounding. I've been invested in ERHC for going on two and a half years....and I've been reading here for over 3. I have never seen Oily make a correct statement.....and if he ever came close to having his chatter be's nothing that I didnt figure out on my own beforehand.

"ERHC will not be ERHC"....people will point to that in regards to Oily being right. Heck, I knew that before I invested in ERHC....its the oil business...small companies get gobbled up all the time. Every friend and family memeber I told to get in this company, the converasation ended with this sentence...."odds are ERHC will be gone before oil comes out of the ground." Like Bob Dylan said....'You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows." And you certainly dont need Oilphant.

to be continued.....

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04/25/09 1:44 AM

#159516 RE: tryoty #159505


""""My absolute conviction that a deal before drilling is a monster red flag. It is a vote of non-confidence by management toward what might be there.""""

I think you have a number in your head on what ERHC is worth, and i think you believe that if there is deal it won't come close to what that number is. That's not a red flag....that's being angry and maybe just a tad greedy that you didnt make all the money that you though you were going to make.

Hmmm....a vote of non-confidence? So let's say Addax buys us out. Is Addax management sending a vote of no-confidence toward what's in the JDZ by buying us out??? Of course not...unless you think that ERHC management knows more about what's in the JDZ than Addax management? three guesses on why your sold 20% percent.........

1)You're getting scared about ERHC and Oily made you panic into selling 20% of your investment.(I DONT THINK THIS IS THE REASON)

2)You know certain information that others here are not aware of and you're acting on that knowledge.

3) You're pissed off about there being a possible you thought about it...and came to conclusion that Mark's source is wrong....and that there is no way ERHC would make a deal this close to drilling. So you decided to you would take advantage of ERHC's recent run up to the 40's by selling shares and taking some profit. That way if Mark's source is wrong....ERHC will drop back inot the 30's......and you will take your recent profits...and buy back into you additional shares leading up to drilling.

I'm going with guess number 3....:)
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04/25/09 10:12 AM

#159533 RE: tryoty #159505

Tryoty, so typical.

One week you bash ERHE mgmt, then another week you pump saying "ERHE is on fire". Now you say you sold for all the reasons you listed (mostly negative reasons)... and the pumping and dumping cycle continues...