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04/23/09 10:53 PM

#454 RE: lottoplayerslair #453

Where did you get your info from?
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05/01/09 3:59 PM

#464 RE: lottoplayerslair #453

med com usa symbol emedq.otc , card activation technologies cdvt.ob
i want to know if there is an investigation on these two companies?
here is my complaint.
emedq med com de la garza was made ceo 8 months ago. micheal de la garza {MDLG} ceo found fraud and theft in the publically traded med com emedq.ob
3.mdlg ceo made sec filings of the fraud
4.mdlg ceo was given an extra 1million shares for whistleblowing to the the bod.
5.the med com emedq filed a law suit against bill williams et al to recover some $10million dollars of theft and show the fraud.
6. the sec has been notified of the law suit in it's entirety in it's recent filings.
7. williams et al {wms} ex insiders fired for cause ,have boldly come back and sued mdlg ceo and filed fictitious filings with the sec stating now 8 months later that even though they were fired for cause by the bod that they don't think mdlg is the ceo. they obtained a tro so mdlg filed and involuntary chptr 11 bankruptcy.
8. we had no idea that wms et al would be so bold as to go into federal court bankruptcy court with judge hanes and lie with their attorneys torre/manning law firm in phoenix arizona,but they did. judge hanes said 80% of what you wms et al are telling me in incredible and in fact i believe mdlg ceo and 80% of what you are telling me are lies,but i want to see the actual documentations and paperwork before i pass judgement and make mdlg interim ceo and assign a trustee.
9. wms et al ex ceo cooked the books and lied about extended contracts to a bank and received $10million from a factoring of receivables company then split with all the money and left mr mdlg holding the bag. mdlg is fighting for his professional life here and is our only hope for survival. wms et al p rs indicated emedq was turning around when it was not.
false press releaes, signing sarbanes/oxsley filings to the sec that were filled with fiction.
wm owns a leer jet that he got from stealing from us shareholders and three other mansion homes. one next to pres bush's ranch in texas.,one in teluride colorado,penthouse on the east coast, and a 6000 sq foot home in scottsdale arizona.he enriched his whole family with pay checks for nothing mercedes bens cars ,humvees, cadillacs suvs. when mdlg looked at the corp check book it had $8 in it upon taking the ceoship. luckily the company brings in $100k to $150k per month income. from contracts.
10. this is not new news here. you have the filings ,sec filings that show the law suit against wms et al by the company and its attorney mr la ganke.
11. we need to catch these wrongdoers now not 4 years from now. they {wms et al}will be in bk chptr 11 federal courthouse on may 6th in front of judge hanes, in phoenix arizona on med coms chptr 11 hearing. what is really bad is torre/manning attorneys for wms et al is inducing the ex insiders to come up with even more lies this whole time. i understand sarbanes oxsley does not tolerate attorney client priviledge and makes these attorneys crooks too, part and parcel to wms et al. torre /manning attorneys have no defense so their defense is trying to demonize mdlg the rightfully voted in ceo. under sarbanes/oxsley mdlg/ceo should have full protection of being a whistleblower by the sec. PLEASE have an investigator there at the bk 11 court room may 6th 2009 to demonstrate your protection of our best interests as shareholders.
12.the biggest problem is wm et al own the majority of the shares outstanding, they stole from the company and they want to rid themselves of mdlg and file chtr7 liquidation so they can hide their crimes from you the sec. the rest of us shareholders want expungement and triple damages and perp walks, and we want to salvage what is left of the company, we believe if we can get what we want the company can grow and emerge out of chptr11 unscathed by the treasonous wrath of the old management.
13, cdvt card activation technology is already a profitable company. it was an ipo from the mother emedq a year ago. wms et al stole $300k of that money that was supposed to go as a dividend to shareholders. wms et al tried to freeze the cdvtcorp bank account two days ago. mdlg was installed eight months ago as ceo of cdvt. wms et al is trying to take back cdvt because of mdlg's whistleblowing. so you can imagine the huge mess this has caused.
15. I HAVE xxxK EMEDQ WITH AN AVERAGE OF .40 NOW .014!!!!!!!!!!!
16.I HAVE xxxK OF CDVT WITH AN AVERAGE OF .40 IT IS .04 i live on a fixed income
disabled. i lost three homes in foreclosure because of these crooks.
ph xxxxxxx