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04/22/09 3:54 AM

#23448 RE: Franz Beckenbauer II #23447

...fällig am 31. April? Hoffentlich ist das kein übler 1. Mai Scherz?


04/27/09 2:11 PM

#23466 RE: Franz Beckenbauer II #23447

Was mir nicht ganz klar ist (wie so vieles andere auch)..LOL:

1. Loan to sales agent, interest free, secured and amount due February 28, 2010 $175,492

2. Loan to sales agent, interest free, secured and amount due January 15, 2010 $175,492

3. Loan to sales agent, interest free, secured and amount due February 15, 2010 $190,119

4. Loan to sales agent, interest free, secured and amount due April 31, 2009 $131,619

5. Loan to sales agent, interest free, secured and amount due May 31, 2009 $124,307

Total $797,029

Die ganze Geschichte ist zinslos....zieht sich aber bis Feb. 2010 ???

Evtl. feste Tilgungsraten ??? Und wenn ja....für was ??

Die ganze Kiste "startet" am 31.04.2009.....von daher könnte zum 1. Mai etwas kommen ??


...the two profitable subsidiaries provided loans to a few sales agents to promote the training course and bachelor diploma. The sales agents are committed to expanding training institutions in China, recruiting more students to be trained by the two subsidiaries. The reason for loans is to increase the market share in education field and realize more revenue in the future.

Best Regards

Hartcourt Company Inc.