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04/17/09 7:19 AM

#34045 RE: stockmasterfly #34042

Yeah...great guy! How about the fallen shareholders? Good ole kenny boy is great! I would love to see that check tht he actually writes...if he actually writes it. Just like the promises to shareholders...will be empty and shallow.

Such a stand up guy who has been disciplined and suspended by the California Bar Association so many times. Deposited client funds into his own account, took a clients house from under their nose in a sleazy way, negligent handling of a trust fund, etc, etc, etc...
For your reference...Public record for Kenni (

Bravo! The Arteest is a Stand up Fellow.

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04/17/09 9:23 AM

#34046 RE: stockmasterfly #34042

Here you are...singing Ken's praises....

Sort of reminds me of a poster named "stockchart" who has sort of dissapeared...Last May he was exhaultant over the showing of SIIR at a Monte Carlo Festival...the price was 40 cents then..This pos was worth 20 times more a year ago...Both of you had already seen SIIR when none of the rest of us had. I asked you before how you got that kind of "juice" but you have not answered. Both of you appeared as moderator of this group. Can you explain how that happened? Will you tell us if you have an "imperia connection"?

Let's talk about altruism and ethics. So, Ken is donating some funds from profits? And publisized it too. Is this altruism? Sounds like publicity to me...and then somehow word of it posted here on this board. I happened to have taught the philosophy of ethics. A radical philosophical hedonist may totally approve of Ken's actions...hey, it makes him look good...and, what makes him look good or feel good is ethically correct according to a radical hedonist. But even Bentham would argue that if it screws others (not a term the venerable philosopher usually used) it is not a pure good feeling. Ken should really do some hedonic calculus to examine whether this is truely moral. I'll have to admit...Ken is not dumb...he hoodwinked many of us out of a lot of money with his b.s. publicity stunts. Kant, on the other hand, would argue in terms of a higher moral obligation..the catagorial imperative...It is ALWAYS wrong to screw people (Kant didn't use that word either...but he MEANT it!) Ken, a stand up guy? What a joke! Did Ken's word on those divies have any ethical import? Is lying good? Of course, any time Ken wants too, he can pay us those dividends

Has anyone noticed it's more difficult to get to this board? I used to do it very easiy doing a Google search with "hub" and Imperia"...This board was right up there with the Imperia Web Site. Now...hard to find through a search engine

Stockmasterfly...would you tell us how you seem to know so much about Imperia? How and why you became moderator? Have you educated yourself about what has happened with Cindy, Never Submit, Mueller Dividents, etc. etc.? That is all part of Imperia too..all part of Ken's legacy. Are you going to tell us you simply have no idea what talk of that has to do with the subject matter of this board?

If anyone tunes into this board...some of us who lost LOTS of money are just sticking around here to warn potential victims...stay away from investing (no, throwing your money away) in Imperia....

Before ANYONE rejoins "You are hurting our profits by badmouthing this wonderful opportunity we are invested in" let me assert...NO...THE UNETHICAL, LOWDOWN, DISHONEST, ROTTEN THINGS DONE IN ITS NAME HAVE HURT IT! I used to be a Ken defender. I was concerned that others bad mouthing this were having a negative impact. Some of us learned the hard way.....Joro...we need your ghost to hover over us. Lift your voice in spirit. Keep trying to protect those who would be fleeced by the silver tounged snakes lurking behind this cinematic sham that was supposed to be out years ago. Yes, I'm disspointed to...there was some real talent hooked into this project. Shoot, I had a crush on Fay back in 67 in Bonnie and Clyde...oh no.....wait....was that really 42 years ago? Yikes!

Stockmasterfly...Ken...a hero? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!