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04/16/09 1:52 PM

#165261 RE: success622 #165258

Um, I'm pretty sure this is good news. Thanks for posting success!!


04/16/09 1:55 PM

#165264 RE: success622 #165258

Thanks success622 this is great news. Now all courts cases will be combined into one, smart move on SB side as it will probably save a bundle in attorney fees. I wonder if this will affect tomorrows scheduled hearing?


04/16/09 2:03 PM

#165274 RE: success622 #165258

Success, See what my phone call to M. Baniak did. Somebody may have decided that we should update the world on what is happening. Squeaky wheels sometimes get oiled :) Good work on your part. Leveraging really does work. Cheers!

Be Confident

04/16/09 2:04 PM

#165275 RE: success622 #165258

Success, I do not know about you, but I smell settlement! Scanbuy had specific reasons for selecting TX, and now a sudden change to NY with the same judge. Something has ripened on the vine IMO. Thank you for staying close to this.



04/16/09 2:15 PM

#165283 RE: success622 #165258

Great Job Success! can't wait for clawmann's take on this. givin the time constraints is it likely the NY judge would be up to speed enough on the TX case to even entertain a settlement on the that one? sounds to me like a continuance and we wait for cc then settlement shortly thereafter?




04/16/09 2:21 PM

#165289 RE: success622 #165258

Jen - Wow - You and a few others will recall JP and I had some off boards fights over the probability of related associations several weeks back, but at least the reexamination, is behind us. Appears to be some trial money, as well as time savings here. Looks good. Made my day!
Thanks for keeping up with this.



04/16/09 2:25 PM

#165291 RE: success622 #165258

Thank you for the post Success!


04/16/09 2:28 PM

#165294 RE: success622 #165258

Much appreciated Success. You are always on top of things and continue to amaze with your diligence. Thanks. This is good news.


04/16/09 2:31 PM

#165296 RE: success622 #165258

Thanks success622, I view this as great news

I strongly believe a settlement and licensing agreement is forthcoming!



04/16/09 3:14 PM

#165325 RE: success622 #165258

Thanks Success! Excellent information!

Don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows,,,

The rest is a formality. Scanbuy will settle. If not tomorrow soon! All that's in question now is how much they pay for thr licensing fee!


04/17/09 8:21 AM

#165439 RE: success622 #165258

Success, thanks for that post copying the recent filing in the TX case.

"Scanbuy and MFR filed this action against NeoMedia on November 26, 2008, alleging infringement of two patents. NeoMedia filed an answer in which, among other things, NeoMedia ... denied that jurisdiction was proper in the Eastern District of Texas. At a February 25, 2009 status conference, the jurisdictional issue was raised, and the Court suggested that the parties consider transferring this action to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

After the status conference, the parties conferred in an effort to avoid motion practice in this Court on the jurisdictional issue. Ultimately, NeoMedia provided Scanbuy and MFR with a declaration from a corporate officer stating that, to the best of its knowledge, NeoMedia has not conducted any business in the Eastern District of Texas."

So there it is. The jurisdiction issue had been raised by Neomedia on November 26 when it filed its answer to Scanbuy's complaint; and that issue was clearly going to go Neomedia's way, so Scanbuy just agreed that the case should be moved to NY, as the judge in Texas had already suggested (rather than waste lawyer time and fees litigationg it, or, as the Court put it, "to avoid motion practice in this Court on the jurisdictional issue").

No relevance to the settlement speculation at all.