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04/14/09 11:55 PM

#164632 RE: ss9173 #164618

ss9173,gophil,bc thanks, that makes sense. I guess I was expecting a stated bonus $ range rather than a sale price range. Same thing, I just wasn't smart enough to read between the lines.


04/15/09 12:07 AM

#164636 RE: ss9173 #164618

Ian's going to make his money, are the shareholder going to make theirs, thats the 64,000 dollar question?

The negotiations for the sale of Neom are being conducted by YA, Neom Management has no real control, other then to use the dilution/poison pill card against YA, Neom can issue up to 5 Billion shares or more?.

The current dilution looks like it was orchestrated by YA to recover as much profit as possible from the neom's impending sale. Its got nothing to do with funding Neom, so they can maximize share holder value based on future earnings of the new business model from the patents. Neom, cant go on their own, YA want allow it, they are in debt to Shylock (YA). YA, wants their pound of flesh, NOW, not later, not next week, NOW. Even if Ian, wanted to make an attempt at trying to make this work, all further financing would only be at YA option not Neom's I wonder why that is?

So a buyer comes in, looks at Neom's debt, looks at the shares outstanding, sees YA is using the patents as collateral. They decide they Will pay YA, an x amount of dollars to release the patents and not to exercise the options on Neom stock.

I wouldn't be surprised if a Suitor has already submitted a bid of 500 million. YA, will walk away well rewarded for their 5 year - 40 million dollar investment in Neom. I sure hope the shareholders of Neom are rewarded and compensated for everything.

Neom Management, we have faith in you from taking us to the cleaners again!



04/15/09 1:21 AM

#164655 RE: ss9173 #164618

IM holds 16,000,000 shares exercisable at .01. He has all the reasons in the world to sell the company at as high as a price as possible. The $200,000,000 cap is for his YA bonus.

Every $100,000,000 over the $200,000,000 boosts the share price by around $.05 assuming that NeoMedia has 2B shares outstanding.

At $200,000,000 NeoMedia is worth $.20 per share.
At $300,000,000 NeoMedia is worth $.25 per share.
At $400,000,000 NeoMedia is worth $.30 per share.

Now Mr McCready for the same sales prices will have in his pocket:

At $200m IM will have $5,000,000 plus $3,200,000 in shares.
At $300m IM will have $5,000,000 plus $4,000,000 in shares.
At $400m IM will have $5,000,000 plus $4,800,000 in shares.

Mr McCready has all the right incentives to get the share sale to be as high as possible and by Dec 2009.