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05/30/02 12:55 AM

#6003 RE: Joe Stocks #6002

MIK possibly for UPSIDE earnings anticipation. I would be very cautious about the BS focused on technology whenever there is a "positive" report or even a "negative" report. It takes about 24 hours for the glow to dissipate from a positive report and the damage from a negative report might heal by the next session. Analysts upgrades are a "dime a dozen" and analysts are a dime a dozen. You can find an "analyst" around every block, in every chat room, in every secretarial pool, in board room, holding executive as well as NON-PAYING positions. Actually they are ALL CREATED EQUAL and they are all the same. Not one of them has one iota of idea where the market is going in the next few weeks, and they can't even admit to that.

Some analysts who have the MEDIA at their disposal position themselves at the forefront to PUMP and DUMP like they did with NVLS and probably will with NVDA are just more vocal, they might wear a Liberace sequined jacket so they will be noticed amongst the thousands of self-proclaimed analysts, chartists, psychics or whatever they call themselves. They have proven in the past 6 or 7 years that they don't know a thing. The market has gone on its merky way DOWN.

My last "investment" was a lucky divestment from a position trade in 1,250 shares of NTBK when it was priced at $225. This was virtually hours before the bottom dropped out of NTBK. From the fall of the internet sector,Investing was never an option any longer.

My investments since then have been short investments except for the 7 or 8 stocks we held (including some low priced technology stocks, medical products and mid cap pharmaceuticals we held during the Sept/Nov rally). We didn't even hold enough technology stocks even then, but the stronger sectors kept us on the upside until we were able to begin SHORTING the spike highs in technology soon enough.