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04/06/09 1:17 AM

#72571 RE: doogdilinger #72566

That would be huge. IMO
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04/06/09 4:41 AM

#72574 RE: doogdilinger #72566

We All agree , including even the wnbd-CEO...

Future sales projections are just meaningless fluff pumps.

Even 'reports' of recent + previous sales numbers are
meaningless fluff pumps , since they can't be Independently
Verified , until Independently Audited + Filed with the SEC.

In fact , even Audited sales numbers are meaningless ,
because ONLY PROFITS COUNT ; or at least some proof that
the cash-burn-rate is slowing down.

Because it's the increasing cash-burn-rate that Must be
Constantly offset by Increasing the rate of Dilution of the
common pink wnbd shareload. Which also can't be Independently
Verified ; because wnbd's TA IS PERMANENTLY GAGGED.

But , none of the above is any problem at all , as long as
wnbd is Eventually Profitable , even if it takes 5-10 years ,
as long as the wnbd common longs just keep buying all of the
new common shares that Must keep being sold , until wnbd
quits losing money.

So , we even all agree , that it's just a matter of time ,
until wnbd is profitable [if longs keep averaging-down fast
enough] , otherwise , wnbd goes BK , like 99++% of pinkys.

It's really [almost] that simple. And, so far, the price of
wnbd common shares keeps sinking , proving that the market
thinks that wnbd is heading towards BK ; and so do All of the
flippers + day-traders , long + short.

extra , Sincerely .

P.S. ; Actually , it is really even simpler than all of the
above guessing + projections about The Real Truth + Facts
about wnbd ; which are All Verifiably Known , up to date ,
every day , by the wnbd CEO. It's just that his 'strategy'
is to keep it All a big secret , from the 'competitors'.
[By the way. All wnbd's Numbers ARE (supposedly) Audited
And Factually Reported , at least once per year , to the
Canadian Govvy Tax Guys.]

But, let's corntinue just a little further down the perfect
pink road , to the freeway on-ramp , where wnbd is finally
allowed enter , because it finally quit losing money. Well,
that's where the rubbed-outs hit the road, and their side-car
takes the first off-ramp, named FULLY DILUTED SHARE STRUCTURE.

That's where the wnbd common longs finally find out why wnbd
always had to be pink ; and always hid wnbd's Fully Diluted
[and constantly + exponentially re-diluting] Share Structure.
It is the Most Important 'Strategic' Element of All Pinky
bidness plans ; and it Must Be UNverifiably Secret , and
Never Reported [like, to the SEC]. And, even an UNgagged TA
would Not Even Report [or Even Know] The FULLY DILUTED
Number [which includes NOT-YET-CONVERTEDS]. TA's Only care
about A/S + O/S + Tradables + Restricteds ; but Know + Care
NOTHING About Convertible Preferreds or CD's or Toxic CD's ,
Until AFTER They Are Converted To Commons.

So , here's the biggest rub of all , for the multi-year
averaging-down wnbd common longs , who paid for Absolutely
All wnbd losses [and exec salaries + etc's] , just to get
their not-quite-free ride in the wnbd side-car race game ,
and PR/Memo secret comedy fluff show.

They will Never 'share' in Any wnbd profits , even on the
way less than 1% chance that there ever are any. Because
their Fully Diluted 'share' will be less than 1% ; and
certainly Zero % if wnbd is ever 'bought-out' ; Because ,

[All Real Investors know All of the above , including many
who flip + pump pinkys , and All shorters.]

OK. Now that we All still agree.
Let's Re-start The wnbd Race , in 5 hours.

P.P.S. ; We've sold very simple + highly price-competitive
stuff [like wnbd soap] to WorldWide Chain Stores , as
"Manufacturer's Representatives" ; so we Know That They
won't pay more than 25-33% of their planned selling price ;
And , they won't pay more than 20% over the manufacturer's
'cost-of-production' Including shipping to their Distribution
Center. So, wnbd gets no more than $2.50 per leaky can ,
AND pays to deliver to the big-box. [Because the sustainable
retail price Must Be $8-$9 , Maximum.] Since SureFil surely
gets AT LEAST $2 , wnbd Must be getting LESS THAN 50 CENTS ,
Gross Revenues Must/Probably Be Less Than 20 cents per can.
They must sell 5 Million cans retail [= $40,000,000 yearly],
just for wnbd to get $1,000,000 yearly , which won't even
pay for the salaries + office rent + expenses for the wnbd
execs. [By the way; we've Never seen a 3-year money-losing
pinky , with more than 2 'execs' .]

So, that's why wnbd is permanently stuck in "Phase #1" ,
with Gross Revenue BELOW $1 Million , for 3 years , so far.
With Guaranteed UNprofitability until the Middle of Phase #4 ,
which is ~$27 Million , according to the wnbd CEO's own ,
and never-changing '6-Phase-Plan' ; which 'strategically'
hides All projections + schedules from All 'competitors' ,
including [mostly] All common wnbd 'share'holders [who are
the only ones who should care]. [Day-Traders, long or short,
Never care about long-term stuff.]

Finally , let's check the wnbd 'progress' , after 3 years
of Only common wnbd share Massive Dilution [= 5X since wnbd
started selling common shares] , against the Only sales-rate
'info' Ever 'revealed' [Totally UNverifiably of course, as
always] , by the wnbd CEO , very recently.

He says : A wnbd bottle is sold every 2 minutes , WorldWide.
Which is : 30 per hour = 720 per day = ~263,000 per year ;
For Total WorldWide Retail Sales Of Less Than $2.7 Million ;
And wnbd Gross Revenues of ~$52,600 per year. [! ?]
[Which is 263,000 bottles x 20 cents Gross Revenues each.]

We even amazed ourselves. That's not even enough to pay for
1 wnbd exec , with 1 phone , at home , alone. And , that's
after 3 years , with help from 5 more execs + 2 helpers.
[ Ever wonder what THEY Must be 'working' on , for pay ? ]
And that's the CURRENT Sales Rate ; so it's AFTER a Full Year
of practice + promo's + TV/radio covering Canada's big-boxes,
and whatever else's on the often-repeated wnbd customer list.
[This kinda explains why wnbd Must hide Financial FACTS.]

Sorry for the long + fact-filled wnbd post.
At least it had some funny stuff spilled in ,
with the explanation of the funny 'business' .
[After re-reading + correcting some spelling ,
even We are rotfloao , so we Must roll away now ,
and find + re-install those posteriors that rolled off.]
