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04/05/09 9:37 AM

#2438 RE: Sagemen #2437

I attended the conference in Boston, and met Ken carlson. Great minds think alike, I e-mailed him Friday and asked about progress and also asked anyway I could help the process, we'll see what he says.

As far as the process goes, these awards/contracts take time. I was technical advisor on a untility contract worth 55M about 10 years ago and it took 9-10 months of meeting every thursday to finally agree on all the terms, have the lawyers go over the fine print and sign on the dotted line. WE were not permitted to discuss the contract with others while in negotiations.

I am not losing faith, just because the price went down last week. We are still in a channel as long as we stay above .47 Also we went up substantilally the 2 previous weeks, Tiger suggested a pull back before the next run, he is the best trader on the board, and i agree.
Once the first large user signs on the SP will start to move substantially and we will all make alot of money,


04/05/09 10:34 AM

#2439 RE: Sagemen #2437

Sage, thanks, I was in Boston, and actually met HS, nice guy! Met with Mr. Carlson as well, saw the product, also spoke to a few potential customers at the booth. One gave me there business card. The company is called LabConnect.

At the time, and we're going back to June 2008, The biggest concern was Fed-Ex with time sensitive deliveries, we're talking dry-ice, DHL was the clear winner. As your well aware, the express shipper has a holding time of 10 days, so time sensitivity was no longer an issue.

I think it's perfectly clear now, that the goal of Cryoport and Fed-Ex, securing the largest CRO's and Labs first, they're definitely swinging for the fences.
Understanding the process, doesn't necessarily make the process a simple one
Not to be redundant, but,

1. Pharma/Bio Companies, CRO

2. CRO, Fed-Ex, Cryoport

3. Cryoport, Fed-Ex

4. Fed-Ex, Sub contractors

5. Cryoport, Sub contractors

6. Cryoport, Lenders

IMO, this is bigger than CYRX ever realized. Every moving part has to be moving in rhythm, right now, CYRX and it's partners are working out the timing issues to create a masterpiece.

Nothing against day traders or swing traders, I happen to be one, but if you're a day trader or a swing trader in CYRX, The 200 day moving average won't mean a thing, when CYRX and company get that swing.
IMO, I think we're in the very late stages of finally being rewarded for our long suffering, agonizing, wife bashing, board speculating, mother falconing shit we've been through.
I don't know of another bunch of die-hards, that deserve it more than us.