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04/04/09 4:31 PM

#162638 RE: Ninja 200 #162634

You are correct. We have a bunch of unselfish inmates.
JP took time to go to New York for the un-court hearing.
N E O M flew to Las Vegas.
Success is the chief librarian and can find things for you on a moments notice.
Clawmann gives his legal view (please consult your own if you need legal advice).
YJ and an assortment of others look over things the way accounts look at things.
BC gives his confident view of things.
A bunch of nerds like me look at the technology.
We have our own pet lizard-SOG. BTW welcome back.
And then there is the rest of the nuts.

We just need a Nurse Ratchet and things will be okay. Some here really needed a dose this week from her.