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04/02/09 9:32 AM

#347 RE: YoungQuixote #346

Yeah, I agree. Picking tops is a dangerous thing to do. But one thing that stands out is this -- isn't the reason the banks all got into trouble in the first place was because of them making all their values up? IE - mark to model? When forced to accurately price everything, then all of a sudden they were worth nothing.

Now, Obama and the Dems in congress are faced with a huge problem -- if they didn't relax the mark to market thing, then the market keeps going down not allowing them to pass anything. Now, the market can go up on this fantasy again like the old days and they can cram their agenda through.

The problem? It just sets up another monster bank 'issue' down the road. This time though the market will smell it out.

This is one of the most irresponsible things I have ever seen. The Dems and Obama are acting out of pure fear. This is why you have split government.