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The Holder

04/01/09 4:25 PM

#15277 RE: Talc Moan #15270

There hasn't been any one million dollar buys, much less 2.3 million dollar buys. There may have been that many shares go through at the same time (batched) that made it look like one person was investing 39,000 dollars (I think this is what you meant), but it likely wasn't one person. Lots of times, orders are batched and show on your L2...other times, not...but mostly that's how it works. Then you see partials come through, like 500 share orders from remainders.

Also, when I sold, I had much more than 200k shares...that was just my initial buy-in. However, times were different financially.

People are free to hope and dream here and buy this security, which clearly they're doing. It's my OPINION, however, that they're buying to ride the run up (momentum players) or they're newbies who don't understand what they're getting into.

I wish you guys the best of luck, I really do...but this won't last without news from the company that they aren't completely out of money and aren't going to dilute their shareholders.

Clearly, however, I've been wrong before.

Best of luck tomorrow.