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03/27/09 7:25 PM

#16355 RE: utterbull #16351

Noone is telling You to make any phone calls. I would actually prefer if You personly do not make Any calls. There is no conspiracy in the world that can not be seen for those with vision that is not clouded. Fox is no worse than CNN. both have there agenda's and make no bones about it. However, both groups have someone close to them whom is,has or is going to watch someone close to them ROTT from Cancer, or whom is going to feel the affects of LG, MS, Parkinsons, Alzhiemers etc etcet . Disease affects Liberals and Conservatives most equally.

However, myself and others certainly will and are going to continue to do what we can voice about what Advanced Cell Tech can do, not just for the Greed of it, but also because it is the right thing to do.

Remember this. It only takes one conservative whom learns his wife has MS to change his mind on the subject of Stem Cells so that [MAYBE} his daughter does not get MS....