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03/27/09 10:26 PM

#6465 RE: Wooden Indian #6464

He would not have diluted out of spite

Woody, that was a guise. He has many shares also now worthless. Obviously as CEO he will have other avenues to reimbursement we don't have. To dilute as he has without explanation almost certainly was predicated on a dollars and cents issue (read lack of recorded profit).

The problem here is supporters have been left high and dry for an adequate explanation what went wrong. Sure it's a tough economy but guess what criminals are flourishing in it. Where I live gangs are killing for drug turf wars like never before, helicoptered drugs are being smuggled across borders worth millions on the street. Point being drugs are being used on an ever increasing scale yet this company is bleeding cash precisely when it shouldn't be or YS wouldn't need to dilute.

He refuses to put investors in the picture when business ought to be booming the CEO pulls the rug out under his supporters with NO feasible explanation. Not so much as an apology, don't you find that the slightest bit disingenuous? Doesn't it seem like someone else as CEO could be doing a far better job rewarding IDTA's legions of loyal shareholders?

Boy oh boy self explanatory to me there Woodman. Biggest crime waves ever involving illicit drugs sales, IDTA ought to be on record pace and here we are bag holders with no explanation why, NONE

Google 'fiduciary duty' I see something untoward is happening behind the scenes on a massive scale and this CEO should be held accountable for his omission of responsibilities to loyal investors regarding Fiduciary Duty. This is not about name calling that is the decoy he is playing to manipulate. Yaacov could care less about investors all one need look at is the chart that caused all the name calling in the first place. People are extremely frustrated when prevented from making sense about there investment, rightly so. This is about illogical behaviour departing from the truth with his investors.

Don't fall for the bait Woody you just got sucker punched. Been there LOST that and if we don't stand up to this abuse so will many more well meaning investors.

Glad your wee one is well Woody!



03/29/09 10:31 AM

#6466 RE: Wooden Indian #6464

beeing upset by "calling names" doesnt give you the right to dilute a non private co as sort of revanche. Its high questionable and imo illegal.
ps. hope you can quickly move in a bigger house.Your girl needs space as you and your wife too.


04/05/09 1:18 PM

#6469 RE: Wooden Indian #6464

Hey Woody, glad to hear
the family is doing fine. I think I will enroll myself in the "Your baby can read course". I can use the help. Nothing much to say her about our investment. If Mr. Shoham reads these posts, I think we are owed an explaination as to what, if anything is going on here. When you first log into the Identa Ihub page, you read:
"Identa's legal strategy can be summed up in two words - undisputable truth," Shoham asserted.
If there is any merit to these words at all, the loyal longs (now loyal to a fault) are owed some version of the truth. We have been told for years that financial rewards are coming, only to be rewarded with dilusion wrapped in a schroud of secrecy. Mr. Shoham has no right to be mad at us. We supported him and this company from the start. Even if the company is just getting off the ground, we deserve more than false hopes and balogna.
So tell me, how does one get from the Holy Land, to a small house in Kentucky? Sounds like a more interesting story than the Identa story.
Take care