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03/25/09 11:10 AM

#19422 RE: Darth Trader #19394

Hey, if this is a legitimate communication, then the coup would at least raise the possibility that shareholders would receive .0001 for their shares. I realize that many invested at higher levels, and that is unfortunate. But Mr. Saner could calm the waters by doing whatever is necessary from the company side to ensure that .0001 shareholders can sell their shares and move on and investors who want to hold and hope for better days for HGLC can do so as well. Bullshit pr's and NO BID for weeks on end has created an atmosphere of total distrust. HGLC can have my little investment, but the price I will exact is to post on this board and try to prevent others from making the same mistake. I agree that it is much easier to wine, dine, dazzle and con a handful of "institutional investors" (guys with money) with hand drawn maps of the Lost Lumb Lode or the modern equivalent - vague references to samples, studies underway, etc. These guys may realize they have overstayed their welcome and have for the moment pumped the well dry of small investors.


03/25/09 12:43 PM

#19430 RE: Darth Trader #19394

they are playing you like a pawn...what Saner told you is exactly what lumb and crew want to would be much easier to merge it with a private company and get rid of 'retail investors'...You and others just dont seem to get that...or are you part of this too?Hmmmmmmmmm...wonder why Saner only answers to 'certain posters'...



03/25/09 2:11 PM

#19441 RE: Darth Trader #19394

{{{{Please bear all of this mind whilst you continue on your chosen course of action. How can you win by hurting this Company? All you will achieve is the provision of ammunition to have this Company swallowed up at US$0.0001 per share! And.................these guys will not waste any time.
Mike Saner.}}}

Mikee/Lumb that would actually be preferable to be swallowed up by an outfit that can actually RUN a Company. Follow thru on Press Releases.


03/25/09 2:32 PM

#19443 RE: Darth Trader #19394

Just EXACTLY how FFGO played out. Do not make em angry!! OR ELSE!!! The LARGE investors {wink-wink} backed out because the Constant Share holder angst?

Listen Lumb/Saner/Scamtini/Bazzanno, IF VALUE existed in this SHELL and could be proven? It would not matter what the opinions of a few posters on an obscure forum wrote. It would matter to large institutional investors however that "other" Large investors such as Yourself is an South African Felon, Prohibited from the UK exchange until 2010, Has a long documented history of scamming investors and also that this so called Billionaire is buying and selling used camera battery's on E-bay. It would also matter to these Large Institutional Investors that the So-Called Executive Mgt is ClueLess and that the SIMPLETON OF All tasks, SUCH as Having a Corporate Website up and running is a monumental task that has NOT been accomplished even though the Company has stated in 24 Pres releases that it is coming VERY SHORTLY. IV's care that the Mgt can manage 3rd partys which obviously you can not. IV's would care that the CEO DOES NOT AT ALL respond to combative angry investors with the NAMES of its chief and primary Large investors. The Institutional investors will not be pleased to see the CLEAR Pattern of Deception that is Hunt Gold Corp's Mode of Operation in the Press Releases. Lastly an instutional investor WOULD NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER invest money in a Company that is NOT using industry standard protocol for Valuation of reserves. You can NOT get a loan from a bank the way the Protocol is going on. ALL of the Valuations would have to BE performed AGAIN to get a loan from US Trust etc. Independant 3rd partys must be used at ALL times when valuating a property in order to get exploration funding.

BTW, Where is the {K} for the Lookout Silver Mine? The Company retained 65million dollars. Would an institutional investor choose to invest in a Company that has SEC problems?

ALL a Lie. The email response to AW are all planned and fabricated.