Uh, Jared just PR'd that the OS is virtually maxed out against the AS. Whats to gag?
He cant trust the TA's to do their job.
The old one blundered a paper shuffle and mistakenly took it for a raise in OS. Jared fired them. OS restored.
Moves over to another TA
I called the TA the day of the OS change and spoke to Carolyn. She was adamant that she did not give out any OS numbers but 3 respected posters here (ZNSTATED,Oneinamillion, and Pilotheating) posted they called and the raise was 300 million.
I called her again:
She maintained that nobody gave out the OS to any callers. She went on to say that she received an E-mail from Jared on the 15th (Sunday while he was in Korea) instructing the TA to not give out the OS until further notice. Memos went out to all office personnel
(I'm guessing Jared wanted to explain the raise and the buyout offer PR, instead of seeing shareholders dump on the raise in OS with no explanation.)
So in summary, these 3 respected posters:
1) got insider information somewhere else and blamed it on TA ,
2) guessed there was an increase and got the exact number right, funnier
3) were mistakenly given the OS contrary to written instructions by Jared. Later in the day they (TA) maintained their story
I would gag a blabbermouth too!
Still laughing about your slant on gagging the TA.
Hey Jared, next time you gag the TA, dont tell us you maxed out the AS beforehand.
I dont blame him