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03/20/09 2:29 PM

#71924 RE: brigunn #71922

Are you BC?


03/20/09 2:56 PM

#71926 RE: brigunn #71922

Yep! I sold at .0002 Will buy back upon new info or hope of a new beginning! BTW I have 8800 preferred shares and may be my only hope for recovery with pbls!

"But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation."

p.s.s Why you call me out?
I call out Xylan!
Does your super computer actually give you percentages of stock recovery and the like? What are your calculations for Pitt winning the National Championship?



03/20/09 2:57 PM

#71927 RE: brigunn #71922

Did not know you worked for the co.! em


03/20/09 6:42 PM

#71935 RE: brigunn #71922

Brigunn, the only reason I ever "called you out" , mocked or ridiculed you was the simple fact that you professed faith that pa, would/could, ever consider doing the right thing. As you must be well aware he is a fraud as proven in court, and snake as proven by his actions and conduct.
ps, the one who uses my name up to his azz and elbows in pa koolaid. At one time he offered to buy all the pfd shares he could get his hands on. How's he do'in.