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03/19/09 10:54 PM

#4584 RE: spdpro #4583

Unless I'm totally insane these screw-ups in DC have just put the frosting on the top of the cake of this BS rally. Uncle Ben has thrown out the baby with with the bath water and Timmy G. is thrown under the bus as the fall guy for AIG for OB1 & Admin to cover their butts and point the finger at the Newbe rather than except any blame for their own failings. Slam bonuses "OK" let's go ground zero on Fannie/Fredie & Sally and everybody. Legal and binding obligations that they all knew about "Blame it on Timmy G." Consumer Confendence, you have yo be kidding me. The Sheep that bought back "Into" this rally may exit fast. Next ""wave"" brothers, I'll roll the dice on hard down.

Sorry for rant but with these inept fools are "No Words" to publish


03/20/09 2:02 AM

#4586 RE: spdpro #4583

#4583 line 3 & 4 should read > 29.65
liquid brain damage