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03/19/09 11:57 PM

#1698 RE: maddog27 #1697

Maddog love the Nickname. I was called that as a kid, now I am just ABNormal. Good pricing at .032. I picked up another 1000 shares several days ago at .009. I call that a penny and so I am still at a penny for about 50K. Not all the investment in the world, but enough if WE are right.

Why do I think I / WE are right?

LIQUID GOLD: US Dollar is in worse shape than under the worst President, Jimmy Carter... some say the worst was Andrew Johnson, but I don't remember him, LOL.

Obama may well surpass them all based on the bold faced lies he told during the campaign and now. His fiscal policies are pure Marxist. THEREFOR GOLD and OIL (liquid gold, as I recall) are going to be the currency of the future. Ignore calls for a basket of currencies as opposed to the US Dollar as they are loaded with politicians. TERM LIMITS are the best answer.

OIL: Price is rising.

ISRAEL: Based on the UN's Anti Israel stance, and Obama's stance, as will be seen in the near future, IMHO, Israel will NOT go for the UN "Cap and Tax" or whatever they call it - viz go green and we (U.S.) pay for it. At any rate, more profits will stick to Israel.

SUMMARY: ALL Just my opinion. Be patient. I have a "S%^&" load of gold and GLD. Oil is my other favorite AND I have another stock that I still think will prove to be a political payoff.


03/19/09 11:59 PM

#1699 RE: maddog27 #1697

PS, glad you are aboard. I love those that read charts.

Others read a myriad of things, including tea leaves and crystal balls - they will soon eat glass)


05/28/09 4:09 PM

#1717 RE: maddog27 #1697

Let's get this going ... OIL !!!