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03/18/09 7:19 PM

#5102 RE: Makamai #5100

ANYone who is NOT concerned about that dilution... is suspect, in my book. That was a very bad move for us simple shareholders.


03/19/09 7:24 AM

#5109 RE: Makamai #5100

That "old horse" could spring to life quickly

Look at all the JV's acquisitions and R&D planned these are not just boasts they have reported they will be PRing on them soon. Will that be done for free who will pay for it, the point I made earlier still stands. Magnum is not publicly making clear how they intend to finance all this expansion.

If you cannot be up front convincing shareholders there money is safe what will happen. Exactly what you saw Wednesday remarkably good news greeted by luke warm enthusiasm at best. Also I did mention I would like to offer CONSTRUCTIVE critique Mak. We both know Magnum will make lots of money but how much will you make if dilution remains the constant threat.

All management need do is come clean PUBLICLY on how all this will be paid for. Don't forget we plunged over $5 million in debt in one short year. That leaves 10 million to be spread about all these expansion plans. That burn rate could easily accelerate, if it takes another two years 10 million is chicken scratch and would easily get consumed in debt servicing and God knows what consultant fees encountered for new products new plants etc.

If you can refrain from the equine rhetoric you need to get your head around this Makamai. It is quite clear management need to be more transparent in convincing a fickle market what they are setting out to do and how it will be paid for. Look at the volume traded Wednesday the news was early and very good news no argument! However the market hesitated ,at the end of the day they remained unconvinced.

If not transparency and the insidious threat of more dilution looming due to miscommunication then kindly tell me why you think the volume just wasn't there. If your saying I'm incorrect, we are in agreement on one thing this was stellar news. Good news they say travels fast but this irrefutably did not. That troubles me deeply because I am here to see MDOR S/P break out. So then what frightened off new investors because by all accounts this should have provided more positive momentum on the share price IMO.

If not lack of transparency, if not a possibly misguided fear of more dilution then what in your opinion caused the market to look the other way. Ain't tryin to spook MDOR's horses Mak doing my dad-burnit best to rustle up some of these here flighty critters.