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03/17/09 12:56 PM


Obama Deficit Roars past Bush 8-year Total in Just 38 Days -
10:14 am CST - February 27, 2009
Posted under The Scoop

(WASHINGTON, DC) – President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats
today surpassed the eight-year federal deficit total of the Bush Administration
in just a little more than one month after taking control
of all three branches of the federal government.

“Anybody who voted against Republicans over being mad at
the deficit will want a redo when they see this,” says
House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (R-TX31).
“Voting Democrat to straighten out the federal deficit is the
same as hiring Foster Brooks to inventory the liquor store.”

“We are now on a course straight for national bankruptcy and
a catastrophic devaluation of the U.S. dollar unless we
can stop this,” says Carter.
“We must convince the Administration to listen to alternative
economic advice and turn the wheel immediately to
avert disaster.
This kind of red ink will keep us in recession, if not
depression, for the next twenty years if we let it stand.”

The Obama Administration Budget released today contains
a total $2.867 trillion in red ink, just 38 days
after Obama’s inauguration on January 20.

In contrast, the Bush Administration ran up a $2.7519 trillion
deficit over an 8-year period that included 7 years of war
in Iraq and Afghanistan; the economic downturn after 9-11;
the addition of a prescription drug benefit to Medicare;
a massive increase in federal education spending under
No Child Left Behind;
and the current recession and 2008 Wall Street bailout.

Bush Surplus/Deficit Fiscal Years 2001-2008
(billions of dollars)
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Statistics
2001 128.2
2002 -157.8
2003 -377.6
2004 -412.7
2005 -318.3
2006 -248.2
2007 -160.7
2008 -454.8
TARP -750.0
Total -2751.9

Obama Budget Deficit FY 2009/10*
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Statistics
2010 -1750
2011 -1117
Total -2867

*The Obama deficit total does NOT include the impact of
the $787 billion Stimulus package approved by House
Democrats in February.
It also excludes any effect of an Obama contingency request
for an additional $750 billion to use for bank rescue.
If the contingency amount is included the total deficit for
FY 2009/10 is $3.617 trillion

Published by admin

R Lee
3:11 pm CST
February 27, 2009

Where is the outcry from ABC NBC CBS media mouthpieces?

……… I’m waiting……. nothing from anyone?…….imagine that!

Lonnie Jones
5:30 pm CST
February 27, 2009

This is what happens when you have a bunch of people
doing something they don’t know how to do and led by
some one who has no training in business and does not
have a clue how to do anything.

Bad breeding of ignorant people usually produces
ignorant offspring.

L Lee
6:31 pm CST
February 27, 2009

The problem is stated in the first paragraph:
“…after taking control of all three branches of
the federal government.”
It’s bad enough that we have an inexperienced leader at
the helm of the executive branch, but when he takes over
the legislative and judicial branches we are in deep doo-doo.
I guess that means the 10th Amendment is out the door too.

7:35 pm CST
February 27, 2009

We need to take our country back……………… will only get worse.
Can u imagine so far only 5 per cent of the term until
the next election arrives.
Do you really think we can afford to let this madness continue?
Texas can claim the right to be a Republic………….check
your history………………Now may be the time before it is TOO LATE.
Time to lead by example.

John V. Ahern
10:39 pm CST
February 27, 2009

Obama lied to the American people during his campaign, he hid
his true beliefs and plans from everyone willing
to be deceived.
He used the media as a willing accomplise to perpatrate
FRAUD on the American people.
Obama is doing just what he wanted to from the very start.
There is no “inexperienced” to it.
He is doing just what he planned to do all a long.
It has been his intent to turn the United States into
a Scialist Welfare State were everyone is dependent
on government and him to provide everything.
Impeach NOW while we still can.
Your freedom depends on it.

Gary F
1:57 am CST
February 27, 2009

I agree with John, Obama is no fool, he’s doing exactly what
he has intended to do all along.
As soon as he has broken us his Muslim Cronies will be able
to take right over.
He’s already provided 20.3 million to move refugees from
Gaza to the United States.
He’s even paying for their plane tickets and they’re just
a bunch of terrorists.

Jim B.
8:16 am CST
February 27, 2009

This explosion of socialist spending in just 38 days is just
the tip of the iceberg.
Next the 1st Ammendment is under assault with the so
called “Fairness Document” (or some variation of it),
then the 2nd Ammendment to disarm and render defenseless,
the public (ban on so called assault weapons which means
any semi-atuomatic rifle or a pistol with a magazine
holding more than 10 rounds).
Look for BHO and gang to sell us out to the UN in the not
to distant future, cut the military and abandom the war
on terror.
I’m sure there are many other suprises ahead that we don’t
even know or have dreamed (or nightmared) about!
The only ones benifiting from this reckless administration,
so far, is ACORN, welfare brood mares and the unions.
This economy would take a big about face with just two
words from the President……….CUT TAXES!
Then watch the stock market and real estate values soar.
That has always worked in the past but liberals never
learn from the past because they stil, stupidly, cling
to their socialist paradise fantasy!
To stop this madness we must take back the House and Senate
in 2010 to undo as much damage as possible.
Then we need a strong conservative candidate for 2012
so we can completely disassemble this
crooked ruling royalty.

Gene Cory
8:35 am CST
February 27, 2009

Every democracy in history has failer when the people learn
that they can get more from the goverment than they give.
We are plunging down that trail faster and faster.
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Your Thoughts

let us thank the Lord -
that we are all -
our Father God American children -
they and we are by law his children -
"don't let anyone claim to be a true American -
don't let them claim the tribute of American patriotism -
if they ever attempt to remove religion from politics" -
George Washington

In 1962, shortly after elitez 666 evilz? became judges,
the scumbagz of the earth's people -
1. our elitz anti-American Supreme Court banned school Prayer;
2. in 1963 it outlawed Bible reading -
3. and in 1980, it outlawed the posting of the Ten Commandments
in schools where children could see them -
4.which is a 180 degree about face from the principles
5. of our Forefathers and
6. The Holy Bible.
elitz bolshevikz poloticz 100% made by the 666evilz demonz to destroy America!
Father God forgive and save
thy bro who pray to ask for
Your forgivness thanks -
God Bless us -


03/28/09 11:22 PM


Alex Jones Show - Emanuel & Obama, Gun-Grabbing Crime Bosses Inc. 1of5 -


04/03/09 11:11 AM


Will Sarah Become Senator Palin? -

It is an interesting possibility. After all, being in Washington would give her a much more national audience than she would have in another term as Governor of Alaska, and her term as Governor is up in 2010 as well.

The latest polls show that Palin would have an uphill climb in the primaries against current Senator, Lisa Murkowski who just happens to be the daughter of Frank H. Murkowski, the former Alaska Governor who Palin defeated in the Republican Primary for Governor. The latest poll is from the Hays Research Group, was taken March 24& 25, and it shows that Palin has a 59.8 % positive rating and 34.9% negative and Murkowski a 71.6% positive and 20.9% negative. This is an overall rating, which could spell trouble for Palin not only in a race for the Senate, but in any other race as well.

Alaska has been solidly Republican, most of the time recently, but things could be changing. Long time Senator Ted Stevens lost his seat to Democrat Mark Begich. The Murkowski seat is one that the Republicans do not want to loose in any way, shape manner or form. They will want the strongest candidate and right now, it looks like that person is the current Senator. Sean Parnell, the current Lt. Governor is also mentioned as a candidate. In a 3 way primary, those who oppose Murkowski would split their vote between Palin and Parnell, a good thing for Murkowski. Palin needs to be in office if she is seriously considering a run for the Presidency in 2012. So running for the Senate may not be in her best interest after all.

She has two other choices, run again for Governor. Right now it appears there will be no opposition for her in the Republican primary. There are three Democrats in the running, two who have declared their intention to run, Bob Poe who is the Ex-State Administration Commissioner & Ex-Anchorage Economic Development Corp and Rob Rosenfeld (D) - Ex-ukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council Director and one who has not declared, but who is considered likely to Ethan Berkowitz who is the Ex-State House Minority Leader, Attorney, ‘08 US Rep. Nominee & ‘06 Lt. Governor Nominee . The only one who has had elective experience is the one who has not declared. Palin has an excellent chance to hang on to the Governor’s seat against the first two and a good chance against Berkowitz.

Just to prove, that the world of politics is very mixed up, Palin has another choice as well. Alaska has one Representative, Republican Don Young who is up for re election along with the rest of the Congress. However, Young is having problems that might make it impossible for him to run. He is under investigation for possibly taking bribes. If he were forced to resign, Palin could run in a special election to fill his seat, or she could run against him in the Republican primary. So far no one, Republican or Democrat, has declared for his seat.

So, Palin has to decide whether to take that big risk for the high profile Senate job, go for the relatively safe Governor’s seat or run for Congress which would put her right in the middle of Washington, but as a member of Congress, she would not have the exposure she would as either Senator or Governor. So what should she do?