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03/14/09 10:50 PM

#4979 RE: thewinningstock #4978

Re:<"Already confirmed both these production companies and it gives me good giggles to hear the naysayers mention they are not in production with Magnum.">

Sure--you can giggle all you want. Hey, I think Mr. Curtis and Mr. Glusic are crooks just as much as the next guy but I'm with you 100% on this one. Promotion is what makes this farm work. I think there's a good chance they'll get something out there related to that promotion.

Of course you also know such promotion does absolutely nothing to add value to the company. If they're eventually successful getting a story out, they might get a pump or generate interest which they can use to sell those additional 40 million shares against, but money spent on promotion does nothing except facilitate the transfer of wealth (mostly to Mr. Curtis and Mr. Glusic) via the sale of shares. It does zip for operations. This is a sucker stock.


03/15/09 2:22 PM

#4981 RE: thewinningstock #4978

TWS - Have you noticed how much media attention is presently being given to "green" companies. Almost daily I see TV commercials emphasizing that their advertised product(s) are made from recycled material with an added emphasis that their company is committed to helping save the environment. There are lots of people and organizations that will only purchase "green" products. That's why Magnum has been invited to be filmed for an upcoming presentation on "Our Planet". Our patented products and processes which take an old tire and completely recycle it, even extracting the steel from it will become a media sensation. It will be gratifying to watch the naysayers and false prophets of doom suddenly vaporize taking their childish name calling with them, as the company grows by leaps and bounds making everyone who was smart enough to invest in it very wealthy. We'll see who has the last laugh.
