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03/14/09 5:13 PM

#124705 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

Is there some way to hide stickys? I find them annoying & don't want them staring at me every time I go to a board. Reminds me of SPAM. Plus the post numbers being out of sequence makes me cringe.


04/17/09 8:58 AM

#126010 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

macht es spass kritische schreiber rauszublocken ?


05/11/09 1:21 PM

#126947 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

this is the second time i have been put up as mod and then ass't mod to a stock i have no interest in modding, im simply stuck in it..

cdoi,, then i posted to remove me as ass't mod, and they/someone deleted that post.

what is going on on the cdoi board?

no one should be able to force anyone to be a mod.

just my suggestion, and please remove me, thx.


08/21/09 4:29 PM

#130970 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

I can no longer get yt for videos to work. All I get is a big white box. Use to work for me up until a couple of weeks ago. Help!


01/23/10 1:11 PM

#136765 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

For the CBLRF board could you fix the stock quote and symbol as it has not been updated yet?



09/22/10 10:06 AM

#146114 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

If bullshit isn't 'who gives a flying rat's ass' vulgarity???????



10/06/10 7:27 PM

#146830 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

Why is it that IHUB's platform is not picking up news and PR releases?


10/11/10 8:57 PM

#146990 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

Is it a TOS to add members as asst mods on boards without that posters approval? Someone recently added me and I just found out and am not happy about it, maybe a protocal to verify the posters approval of the postion, without the Mod being able to just randomly add whoever he feels?


10/15/10 9:11 PM

#147085 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

When will level 2 be able to stream on a cell phone?


05/14/11 11:25 AM

#151244 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

Dan, a few others positive posters and myself have been banned from posting on the AWSL board because the moderator there is running a short campaign, therefore uses his position to suspend people who are posting positive messages, and who are not necessarily breaking the rules.

I would appreciate it if someone could read the posts i was banned for. This needs to be looked into.

The mod breaks the rules all the time, yet its okay.



~ Blue ~

12/06/11 5:05 PM

#155916 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #124704

I wonder Dan, SSHS ibox was updated with new information. How come the one mod to clean new information and put his old useless crap. what is his privileges?