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03/13/09 12:12 AM

#51485 RE: THEMONEYMANRL #51484

.I just realized these guys are selling stem cell stocks too!...........I


03/13/09 12:52 AM

#51489 RE: THEMONEYMANRL #51484

“Oh, Jake… it just all seems like it is coming to an end!”
dooo, doOOO, DOOOOOO

“Veronica… I know it is hard, but you must…. WAIT! What time is it?”

“Jake, darling, it is nearly nine o’clock; what could possibly be…”

“The game, Veronica. The GAME!! It is almost over!”
more stupid daytime soap opera music…”

“Your baseball infactuation!”

“Shush! And move out of the way… you are blocking the screen!”
and add some more stupid daytime music along with Veronica stammering out of the frame…. Fade in the baseball commentator

“It’s the bottom of the ninth; 2 out, 3 on. Spongetech lags by 3 here. SM is at the plate and down 2 strikes on the open count after watching two real sweetheart floaters across. There’s that funny waggle again…. Whats this guy up to? It looks like….. like….. HE IS! He’s calling it here folks!! That bat of his, is pointing straight into right field!! Here we go… the mound double checks the call….. theres the wind up….the pitch……… CONTACT!!! My gawd he knocked the SNARF outta that ball!! It’s a screamer towards the right side wall…. Its going… going…….. going…………… STILL going…… its, ITS….wait! Theres a …..”

stupid daytime music again with an over-emphasized voice over….. TUNE IN NEXT WEEK TO FIND OUT….. Will Veronica get over Jake’s baseball fetish…. Will Spontech win the game….. and…. Whats up with that waggle??? Fade stupid daytime music to a spongetech commercial…