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03/12/09 7:07 AM

#3234 RE: Mr. Bill #3229

No one in a high profile position will tell the truth of what this 'economic crisis' is about and why it was 'caused' to happen, even if they know it, which I am sure most of them do. I don't really blame them for a number of reasons, mainly connected with their health and well being

Every cause has an effect, and to the creators of a cause, it is the 'effect' which is the focus. Unless it produces the desired effect. if not, then it would be a failure. Therefore, if we are to understand what is happening, and when it is likely to end, we need to know the 'WHY?'Why it was caused, and 'WHAT?' is the objective.

I cannot go into it here. Anyway, like with picking stocks, all must do their own research, 'due dilligence'. This is difficult, I know, unless you have acute perception and a VERY OPEN mind that rejects conventional thought through media conditioning.

Warren Buffet is a very successful man, but so is Kissinger,
and George Soros (now why have I selected those two). But successful, entrepreneurial, people in the financial, or political world rarely,if ever, share their true knowledge. They are also only too aware so many hang on their words, and make decisions upon them.

All I will add is 'NOTHING, repeat, NOTHING is ever what it seems in the world of money and politics.