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03/11/09 8:04 PM

#19443 RE: Upset Hockey Fan #19442

So where did you get this list of emails? The court people sounded like they thought I was crazy when I asked about them. They said there was no such list. When I told them that a guy was posting them on a message board, they said that sounded very strange.

By the way, there was never an exhibit submitted to the court containing any emails. I have read Pacer thoroughly and it is not there. So the question becomes, just how did you get this information and how can we get it?


03/11/09 8:19 PM

#19444 RE: Upset Hockey Fan #19442

In this post, you introduce us to a "Wendy", whom you say is with the court

Posted by: Upset Hockey Fan Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 12:53:46 AM
In reply to: mysterymeat who wrote msg# 19412 Post # of 19444

Thank You Mystery

We spoke to a friendly Lady Wendy Sims today at the Federal court in Nevada. She said the following.

In this post, you claim to have received all of this information directly from the court record through "Wendy":

Posted by: Upset Hockey Fan Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 10:29:58 PM
In reply to: hawkeyes43 who wrote msg# 19419 Post # of 19443

Hello All we returned home to find a package of info from Wendy today.

There must be 150 pages of info here. Alot of emails from aka Ricky Smith to the transfer agent asking for shares to be issued and couriered to Minesota and Spokane Washington!

What does all this mean?

And then in this post, you claim to have been reviewing the information received "from the court"

Posted by: Upset Hockey Fan Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2:22:39 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 19443


After two full pots of coffee I now have read through all the info.

Very interesting Smith seems to be under extreme pressure to deliver stock certificates starting in November/December 2006 until May 2007. It seems that many people working for WHA including coaches were emailing the transfer Agent saying Smith was upto no good. There is one email from Smith to all his coaches blaming Van Enter for turning the office staff against Smith and spending money for personal issues. Also that he thought Van Enter broke into the office and stole the computers. He implies that other fired Employees Stacey and Jenn were involved in a cover up with Van Enter.

Not believable if you ask me. Smith is blaming everyone but then at the same time is instructing John Comer not to take orders from Van Enter but continueing to issue stock shares of over 200 million shares to Billie Cnuddle at circle tex among others here is some of the issuances

Now the court is telling me that no such "packet" containing the information you listed is available from them. Why don't you stop the charade and tell us what your agenda is here? I noticed you left out the information with respect to share issuance to Nexas Asset Holdings. That is the well known issuance which brought all of this out in the forefront and about which the lawsuit was originally filed. Care to explain the omission? Are you John Briner?