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03/11/09 5:42 PM

#31820 RE: canplay #31819

WOW, and lets see with 24 BILLION in the OS, even at .0001 ??

And the OS was reduced to 497K / Well look at the trading the last 45 days and calculate HOW MUCH they have already DILUTED THIS PIG !

MGMT of this company are SCAM ARTISTS and are no better than Bernie Madoff and DESERVE the same treatment !


03/11/09 5:43 PM

#31821 RE: canplay #31819

Canplay....1st congrats to you know who for his usual expertise in raising money, taking NBVG down from 5 dollars per share after the 50k/1 reverse to less than 1 cent in less than 60 days.

How much did you raise in that time....25-50K of which probably zip went to launch the water

I am sure that besides looking in the mirror and at the IR promoters you hired you will focus the blame elsewhere as you have consistently done over the last 8 years.

What is next? You are very predictable....issue another 25 billion shares, try and bring in new groups of suckers/investors for NBVG to continue paying your bills and in the meantime try and find other Company's that are desperate for cash and too stupid to due their due diligence or don't care about how detrimental your affiliation will be to there current and future shareholders.


03/11/09 8:04 PM

#31824 RE: canplay #31819

What a crock of &hit that was, blaming the shareholders! How about promising water month after month and not delivering. They lied throught their teeth, Ken lied to me on the phone several times, saying the reason the website back in December still said water was coming out in Fall of 2008, was because they were still hopeful to get it out before the end of the year, which would have been Winter of 2008 anyway. Duh!!! Still says Fall 2008! Duh!!! It's a big SCAM!!!! All IMO of course. I hope all involved in this scam go to HELL which is where they deserve to go. Let's see how much good the money they stole will do them there.