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03/10/09 6:56 AM

#37157 RE: QuickTrade #37155

you're correct QT,..charts don't lie,..but,...

people see what they want to see and tell themselves the story they need to hear, undoubtedly need to hear/see/feel that Obama has lead this stock market down,...

are you that ignorant/uninformed/biased or are you just a good actor practicing your Ronald Reagan lines ?


(sorry to take up your time as you must have missed some privy information by Rush or Sean)

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03/10/09 12:06 PM

#37163 RE: QuickTrade #37155

QT - I respect your right to interpret charts in any way that floats your boat.

Using the same charts I see a huge, unsustainable (but temporarily successful) deception built, accommodated and facilitated by the administration in power over the last 8 plus years. A house of cards which the right side of your chart shows being rather abruptly exposed thru that great disinfectant, sunlight.

Regrettably, there are millions of real people in the US and around the globe who in some way either bought into the deception or knowingly participated in the deception who are now paying and defaulting on the bills left on the table by very rich, shameless and very unregulated "business" people. Mr. Bush and his base constituancy, "the haves and the have mores" have been allowed to, thru a "shocking lack of oversight" (Bernanke 3/10/09) drive this bus of the economy off a very high cliff at 100 miles per hour (see charts) sending it into free fall. President Obama was given the steering wheel of this bus while it was still in the air (see your charts). Like it or not, both you and I are passengers on this same bus.

Unlike some misguided anti-cheerleaders, both home and abroad, who wish for an Obama failure, I for one hope and pray that the current driver of this bus facilitates finding a sustainable course correction and solution (wings on a bus?). If for no other reason, in order that all of us bus riders currently suspended in mid air, even the naysayers, do not suffer the rather unsavory consequences of an abrupt and final stop at the bottom.

The ground continues to come up fast; my suggestion fwiw is join the good guys and stick an arm out the window, and in your own way, flap. We'll sort the rest out later.
