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03/09/09 2:35 PM

#42501 RE: OntaREEo #42500

I love these numbers ! Thanks OntaREEo.
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03/09/09 2:44 PM

#42502 RE: OntaREEo #42500

$30 BILLION in Niobium ...lordy!~
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03/09/09 2:45 PM

#42503 RE: OntaREEo #42500

Those words have been spoken by myself in the past when talking about the long term potential of the Nemegosenda property. And now you, my good man, have put it down in numbers that we all can understand!

100 BILLION indeed and possibly more when you figure you have used the % REE found in zone D which should be proven many times higher in the SE zone when all is said and done.

Shame though, we could have simply ran a company such as AIG into the ground threatening the whole system and got 160 BILLION without any need to go through all this mining trouble. But i digress... hindsight is 20/20 lol. all IMHO.
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03/09/09 2:46 PM

#42504 RE: OntaREEo #42500

phenomenal work and you have my sincere thanks for your time and effort...

this should be an instant "sticky" post
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03/09/09 2:53 PM

#42505 RE: OntaREEo #42500

90 Billion is a darn big mine? Really need some insight on this from SRSR management or at least Merle. Seems higher than I was led to believe in old discussions with management.

Crazy big number. Hard to think of the potential PPS if its accurate. My guess is somewhere north of the.02 cents we seem to be stuck at ;)

Thanks for the effort.
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03/09/09 2:54 PM

#42506 RE: OntaREEo #42500

Thanks, would love to see that in a PR!!!
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03/09/09 2:57 PM

#42507 RE: OntaREEo #42500

Can we have this marvelous post tacked to the top of the Discussion Board?
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03/09/09 3:54 PM

#42514 RE: OntaREEo #42500

Don't have much of an issue with the raw numbers used for the niobium/tantalum, but would add mutlpliers/divisors for the certainty factors...

The values for REE are improbably high, I think, both in that they will tend to be more unevenly distributed rather than uniform in the ores, and in that they have processing cost factors that are hard to quantify variables relative to the values left post processing. Niobium having a 90% recovery factor doesn't mean the others will, too. Need either to define the separations processes and costs, or reduce the values on REE to ore values as "bulk REE concentrates" rather than end product values, which is also true of the niobium/tantalum numbers.

Otherwise, I thought your prior charts had market multiplier/divisor factors, too... so that the costs of extraction and processing and capital costs were considered in a "present value" sense...

A wag of 10% of residual resource value from a compliant resource is a useful, if imprecise, market averaged valuation tool. Current market conditions impose a larger source of variation, now, so apply some adjustment to that...

The new zones aren't close to compliant... so a larger discount to value for that will be needed until we're to the point of having proved that value...

I think you can be ultra conservative by using only the niobium and tantalum values, only in Zone D... knowing Zone D is open at depth, and has higher values deeper... and still have LOTS of room for future upside without applying values for any of the other minerals, or any of the other zones.

Use $6 billion as a known low side value of minerals present, and 850 million shares authorized... that gives you around $7 a share in mineral value, but that is a post extraction value in a pre-extraction reality... so divide that by half for extraction costs, to $3.50, and divide that by ten to get a standard market NPV $0.35... then discount that by the market we have... and it looks to me like a hyper conservative $0.125 NPV... RIGHT NOW... after having covered costs TWICE, and then discounting to the present market... all with still having NOT valued REE or other zones at anything.

I think getting zone D compliant removes the need to double cover costs... getting you to a NPV range of $0.35 to $0.70, still without having addressed REE or other zones...

The meaning of not including values for REE ? You probably do need to see both a compliant REE estimate on quantities, and some mineralogical test data that shows what the REE are likely to give as an commercially viable % in extraction rate in a fully costed process that includes them. I DO expect that the REE values present will be less than yours suggests, but should be enough that they might provide a return sufficient to cover the operating costs... which is a HUGE deal. I also expect operating costs to be lower than many others might expect, based on the unitary nature of the deposit being proven... which would mean that my overly conservative calculation above would end up covering the mining and processing costs three times over instead of only twice...

I expect compliance on the REE present, when paired with mineralogical information that allows valuing them properly... could add significantly to my numbers...

If the REE values WILL cover the costs... that gives you a big factor as a multiplier... maybe giving you a still discounted value in the range of $3.50 a share... before valuing anything other than zone D ??? The multiple coverage of costs gives you LOTS of room to make good deals with JV partners... all still without addressing anything other than zone D ???

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03/09/09 4:19 PM

#42516 RE: OntaREEo #42500

Nice REE! I will look it over tonight. Thanks!
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03/09/09 11:30 PM

#42538 RE: OntaREEo #42500

OntaREEo....Those numbers are just mind boggeling. Thanks for all your hard work.

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04/19/09 3:08 AM

#44614 RE: OntaREEo #42500

Dear Ontareeo, your posts are always adding value to the discussion. Thank you for that! Unfortunately value isnt absolute but only what one is ready to pay for it (1 l water in desert vs 1 l in Colorado springs). We all know by many other very valuable comments what bright future our metals have. Although all the longs here, like me, will stay with the SRSR till we see at least some $ per share, we something in the meantime.
I would very much appreciate if one made already a homework on "SRSR possible valuation versus other very similar company" and would publish it. That would give us a feeling when we could realistically see 0,1 0,25 0,5 1,0. What are the reasons why others, like Commerce Ressources, have a valuations of xy times higher although they are much smaller as in the case of Commerce, and one told me, much more difficult to mine...
We got from ONTAreeO a forecast in January on what price would be realistic at which time. This didnt matereialize unfortunately (no blame, I am happy if one has the efforts and courage to publish something like this; being smarter afterwards is easy, so, please no critizing at all). Is there one on the board with this knowledge?