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03/08/09 9:45 PM

#2971 RE: Recognizer #2970

Wanted to know on this coming Thursday, about the mark to market situation. Will this boost the bank stocks as well as the entire market. And if instituted, how long would it come into effect.


03/08/09 10:20 PM

#2973 RE: Recognizer #2970

IF YOU UNDERSTOOD MY POINT, which I have covered sufficiently before, you would know I didn't need to put anything up on my screen re- shorts.

Now if there is illegal naked short selling in the stocks that is different, but the people behind such large companies would not permit that to happen. These are not OTC or 'pinkies'. The companies are held by institutions.

Many people on margin are getting margin calls as their stocks dip below $5 so they are having to unload. This will pull the whole market down.

I guarantee that if BAC was worth $5. $10 or $20 (true value)
it would soon bounce back up there.

Smart money which sees a stocks true value is happy to see it pushed down below.

Have you seen MSFT which pays a very decent dividend for the current times, and has growth. It has a low PE. But it has been pulled down 50%. There are many great buys out there to
attract 'Serious (Big) money.

We are in a huge wild bear market. There will be corrections, but no return to a charging Bull for a long time, though some analysts may tout it as such when a 'correction comes'.

Use common sense, and reason. Banks can't get all these billions from the government and then after a couple of weeks start behaving as though there had been no problem.

It is sucker money which pushes prices up above true value, and it is the 'suckers' who have been hit and have little money left, or are too shaken to get back in.

All of you, whether you like to hear this or not, it is fact and will rule now for some time. This world is being CHANGED
dramatically. That includes the USA. What we are going through is to force through that change, and it won't be done overnight.

Watch some good old movies or TV programs like 'The Honeymooners' (Gleeson) 'Three Stooges' or Laurel and Hardy and enjoy for a few moments the America, and the world, as it was. Then Sleep well, (I do)


03/08/09 11:07 PM

#2978 RE: Recognizer #2970
