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03/07/09 6:04 PM

#4769 RE: Makamai #4767

My point is that they can find $13 million in shares to pay "Consultant fees", but they can't find enough money to make the very product that we are supposedly in business to make? We SUPPOSEDLY have HUGE unfilled contracts that are the very lifeblood of this business. THE reason the plant was put together in the first place. This is the quickest way to actually generate revenue.... Make stuff and SELL it.
I don't follow your arguement that it cost a lot to put the plant together... and now we can't afford to fully staff it? And you further suggest that they are now focused on Enhancing the plant facilities... (where is THAT money coming from?) and for WHAT... to be able to create some other product that we can't afford to hire people to make? There are very few arguments that make any sense NOT to find a way to be running 24/7. One of them is that the demand simply isn't really there. Another possibility is that our pricing structure is such that we actually lose money in production.... now THAT would be a very big problem indeed. Anything else simply doesn't make any sense....
I drilled an oil well... but now I can't afford to actually pump the oil? I think not.