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03/08/09 11:55 PM

#412699 RE: mlsoft #412117

As you know I'm a deist. What that means is somewhat open as many deist think differently.

In case you haven't looked I think it's compelling, but if you look at it from the view that the bible is always right then you'll never change your mind.

I'm open to the Bible, but I don't think the reverse is true w/yourself (and many like yourself)

>> 4. The Bible does not say whether we are "alone" in the universe, but inferring from Scripture (mostly from God's reasons for creating man and the universe), I conclude that we are "alone". I use "alone" in quotation marks for of course Scripture tells us that there are myriads of fallen angels who followed Satan in his rebellion against God, and twice as many holy angels who remained faithful. Angels neither die nor reproduce, so their number has been and always will be exactly the same as when they were first created. <<

I can't go along w/that. Not just the solar system, not just the Milky Way, but the entire universe just for us? That more than anything doesn't pass the smell test.

I do appreciate the feedback and will look into some of your suggestions at some pt.

Lastly on this:

>> I completely rejected the theories of evolution even in my college days, believing that they defied all logic and rules of scientific evidence. <<

Science today is not the same science as 20-30 year ago, let alone 50+ years ago. Computer modeling, the internet and more scientist in general have completely changed everything. There are so many overlapping fields of science w/respect to evolution. You can look at bones, but you can also look at DNA/RNA and other structures w/the cell. Only 4% of our DNA is different from chimps and you don't think 4% of our DNA could change over several million years+? We evolving right now. Pick up the latest issue of Discover mag. They've studied the last 10K years. Interesting stuff if you truly have an open mind. I don't question your sincerity. But again it's my contention that we're in this mess as a species precisely because religion has outlived it's usefulness. We need to start promoting thinking again. Most of our issues are solvable, but it'll take an educated public. There are far too many who believe we're living in end times. Why bother trying to protect the planet if the rapture is coming. Sorry I just can't get behind that.