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03/04/09 12:31 PM

#412025 RE: ItsAllCyclical #411982

"Most religious folks would take offense at my comments"


No, I am not offended just because someone disagrees with me on religion. Scripture tells me that far more will reject God and Scripture than will accept it, so it is just a part of everyday life for a Bible believing Christian.

And I hope you will not take offense when I tell you that according to the Bible, there are but three religions in this world -- The first one believes Scripture, trusts in God, and relies totally on sovereign, devine accomplishment for our salvation (a right standing with God), by accepting by grace through faith the free gift of God which is the substitutionary atonement for our sins through the death of Jesus on the cross. The second one comes in endless forms and variations, but ultimately they all rely on some measure of self accomplishment for salvation. The third rejects God entirely and claims that salvation itself is meaningless, worshiping man himself rather than God.

According to the Bible, all who fall into the first group will be allowed to commune with God throughout eternity in heaven. The second and the third groups will be excluded. Deists fall into the second group.

You attest that it does not make any sense that "if man is so important, we came onto the scene 4.5 billion years" after Creation. In that, you do well. Where you err is when you blindly accept the age of the Universe as being 4.5 billion years.

I also blame Greenspan and hold him responsible for the initial errors that opened the way for the crisis we now find ourselves enmeshed. Many others, democrats and republicans alike, share the blame for taking Greenspan's mistakes and allowing them to snowball into a mess we very well may not be able to get out of. Where Republicans failed our nation was that when they were given the chance to govern, they abandoned their conservative core beliefs and embraced partisan politics instead of seeking the good of the country.

Some Republicans are attempting to recapture their conservative values, but it may be too late for their party and for their nation.

We shall see.
