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03/02/09 10:55 PM

#90664 RE: oneinamillion #90650

Just something for consideration.

I do believe that is what EESO will be worth (P/E wise) when all the 2009 revenue comes in.

Assuming we do not uplist before then, right now I see a severly limited amount of capital available in the pinksheet market due to the current economy. People, big and small investors, just dont have the free capital to invest in what they see as very risky investments.

It might be possible that EESO tops out well short of where our revenues and P/E calcs lead us to believe until the total amount of capital in the economy picks up.

Now this isnt all bad. As revenues come it EESO now has the chance to use that cash to buy back shares at a price much lower then if we reach full valuation. When everything catchs up we're all better off with the lower O/S.

Just a thought...dont know if anyone else is seeing this as a possibility. I want to be at .55 as much as the next guy but I think we should seriously look at this and have new investors cognizant of the possibility so they are not shocked if we dont run all the way up to what the valuation calcs say we should.