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02/28/09 9:38 PM

#691 RE: woofer #690


""""The lower and middle class are suffering/struggling at the expense of the rich. That's how I measure it""""

You've been listening to the talking heads too much.

Woof, You believe the "rich" have become rich at the expense of the the poor? That's downright silly.

The real rich have obtained their money from the system, not from any person or specific item. Tell me one "rich" person who din't aquired the majority of his wealth from the stock market of which the poor have no holdings? If you want to mention movie stars, musicans or sports stars I'll agree, but the Waltons, Gates, Buffet, Jobs etc made their money from stock options.

I can't think of a handful of bankers, oil or computer guys who made their money in salaries. They make the most of their income in options. Of course option money is taken from thier shareholders, not the poor.

You can freeze any chairmans cash income tomorrow and it won't help one single employee whatsoever.

This is assinine talk unless you can tell me of ONE person who's salary has effected the worker of that company. There is no such company.

Do you think for one minute that if the Jeff Imelts salary is cut tomorrow that every GE worker would get a dimes pay increase? That's silly.

Please tell me one executive who you would considered overpaid?